Syrian troops march south while UN warns of disaster


Syrian troops marched into the south of the country, one of the last rebel areas of the country, under cover of intense airstrikes and bombings

The Syrian central military controlled media reported that in addition to Ibtah, the rebels surrendered their weapons in the neighboring villages of Tafas and Dael. Rebels in the villages of Umm al-Mayadeen, Naseeb, Saida and Tiba have also agreed to surrender, he said.

Opposition campaigners reported violence, even during a 12-hour truce between Russia and Jordan. more than 100,000 people have fled their homes since the beginning of the government offensive on June 19. The UN said earlier this week that some 50,000 people had been displaced, many of whom were heading towards the border with Jordan. would keep its border closed to people fleeing.

UN Chief of Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein called on all parties to the conflict to end the escalation of violence in Daraa and to avoid a repetition "of bloodshed and bloodshed. suffering found earlier this year "in the eastern suburbs of the capital Damascus. , a Jordanian prince, said that there was a serious risk that the intensified fighting saw many civilians trapped, caught between government forces on the one hand and rebels and members of the Islamic State group on the other hand. Zeid said his office had received reports that civilians at some government checkpoints were allowed to enter government-controlled areas only for a fee.

Al-Mayadeen TV, based in Lebanon, had a reporter incorporated into Syrian troops in Daraa province the government opened three crossings for civilians in areas held by rebels who want to come from there. other side. The same method was used in the suburbs of Damascus earlier this year, where tens of thousands of civilians fled to the government.

Rami Abdurrahman, who heads the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights based in Britain, said: "People have died in recent days near the border with Jordan, some because of bites of snakes and scorpions.

Since the government's offensive, 98 civilians, including 17 children, have been killed as well as 67 soldiers and pro "Some people sleep under trees, others in their cars and others install tents, "said Jalal al-Ahmad, an opposition activist based in southern Syria near Israel's occupied Golan.

The Israeli army said it delivered about 60 tons of humanitarian aid and medicine to thousands of displaced Syrians in the Golan Heights who flocked to the region, fleeing heavy shelling of government forces Syrian. [19659017] Israel sent aid across the border for several years and provided medical treatment to thousands of Syrians who reached the border with the Golan Heights controlled by Israel.

The army says that it will not allow Syrians to enter Israel.

A video published by the Israeli army shows soldiers loading aid into trucks on the Israeli side and the cargo is then transported in vehicles by unidentified people on the Syrian side of the border.


Associated Press Writer Ian Deitch contributed to this report from Jerusalem

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