Syrian war: tens of thousands flee to closed borders


According to groups, about 120,000 people were displaced by the Russian-backed Syrian regime's offensive to take the province of Daraa. Syria wrestles control of the free Syrian army backed by Turkey, as well as ISIS and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham terrorist groups.

Jordan and Israel provide assistance to IDPs but refuse to host Syrian refugees in their country. Jordan already hosts 1.3 million Syrian refugees but closed its borders in 2016 after an ISIS suicide attack killed six of its border guards. The attack occurred in an IDP camp in a demilitarized zone between Syria and Jordan. In general, Israel does not accept Syrian refugees except to give them medical treatment.

Air strikes continue on Friday, a day after 55 civilians and 10 fighters were killed in aerial bombardments and bombings, according to local surveillance by the Daraa Martyrs' Documentation Bureau. Sixteen children were among the dead on Thursday. The Syrian government said civilians were also fleeing armed opposition groups.

The White Helmets volunteer rescue group said Thursday was the deadliest day since the start of the operation. 19659005] The UN said recently that more than 920,000 people had been displaced in Syria in the first four months of 2018, the highest figure recorded in the country's seven-year war.

Israel and Jordan keep their borders closed

Israel has transferred four cargoes of humanitarian aid to displaced people living in tent camps at four locations near the Golan, according to a statement by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

She said she delivered 300 tents, 13 tons of food, 15 tons of baby food, three pallets of medical equipment and medicine, and 30 tons of clothing and shoes.

The army said that thousands of Syrians were living in poor conditions in these camps, often lacking access to water, electricity, food sources or food. to other basic necessities. The number of Syrians living in camps has increased in recent days, according to the army.

  A Syrian child displaced from Daraa province in a makeshift camp in the border area between the Golan Heights and Syria on Wednesday.

IDF reiterated in its statement Friday that the country "can not allow Syrians fleeing hostilities to enter Israel, and will continue to maintain the security interests of Israel."

"The IDF is closely following the events in Syria." According to the statement, the UN's humanitarian envoy to Syria, Jan Egeland, called on Jordan to open its borders to people fleeing violence

"The movement is very difficult and humanitarian operations are very difficult. Of course, our call goes to Jordan, one of the most generous refugee beneficiaries on earth, who keeps the border open for people fleeing to the south, and there is no problem. Another place to go, "said UN Thursday in Geneva

  A camp of Syrians displaced near the village of Burayqah, in the southern province of Daraa, near the Golan Heights occupied by Israel

But Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said the resource-poor kingdom had "reached its capacity"

"For Those who try To put pressure on Jordan, I would ask them the question: what did others give in relation to what Jordan gave? Safadi told reporters at the UN Thursday after meeting with the UN secretary general.

"Jordan has assumed its responsibility and, to be honest, supported it alone most of the time, we are grateful for the support of the international community, the weight of responsibility was upon us." [19659019] Trump floats in private to conclude an agreement with Putin on Syria ” data-src-mini=”//” data-src-xsmall=”//” data-src-small=”” data-src-medium=”//” data-src-large=”//” data-src-full16x9=”//” data-src-mini1x1=”//” data-demand-load=”not-loaded” data-eq-pts=”mini: 0, xsmall: 221, small: 308, medium: 461, large: 781″ src=”″/>

The Syrian civil war has lasted for more than seven years, with several international powers supporting After having lost territories to Islamic State militants and opposition rebel groups, the Syrian regime took the upper hand in the conflict by retaking the city of Aleppo in December 2016 and seizing later on several other strategic areas. support from Russia and its bombers. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday that he expected the Syrian conflict to be "discussed globally" at a summit on July 16 between the US president. Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. Trump had previously ordered US air strikes on Syrian government targets following alleged chemical attacks in the country, largely blamed on the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Russia supports Assad and the Syrian conflict has been a source of Russian-American tensions for years.

CNN reported this week that Trump raised the idea of ​​taking the United States out of Syria at a meeting earlier this week with King Abdullah II of Jordan at the White House, according to two diplomatic sources familiar with the meeting. 19659026] Andrew Carey and Mary Ilyushina of CNN contributed to this report.

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