Taco Bell employee fired for refusing to serve English-speaking client


A Spanish-speaking Taco Bell employee in Florida was fired by the fast food chain after a video broadcast on social networks this week showed him his refusal to serve an English-speaking customer.

The video shows the Hialeah restaurant employee who seems to get angry when client Alexandria Montgomery tried to place her order in English, the Miami Herald reported.

Montgomery asks to speak with a manager after being arrested.

The employee, who identifies herself in the video under the name of Luisa, answers in Spanish: "She is sleeping at home" in a disdainful tone before saying "Honey, I have a car behind you And close the window.

She threatens then to call the police.

"Can you move, please?" I have an order behind you, she said. There is no one who speaks English. That's Hialeah, I'm sorry.

Hialeah is located north of Miami International Airport and is predominantly Latino.

"I'm trying to order and she tells me that I can not order because she does not speak English. Who's wrong? Replied Montgomery.

The video shows two other Taco Bell employees arriving at the counter, but they do not help Montgomery place his order.

The customer finally leaves without making any purchase. No other restaurant employee at the time spoke English, the employee said.

"This incident happened Wednesday night at around 10:30 pm," Montgomery told El Nuevo Herald. "I contacted the manager and after explaining to her what had happened, she did everything to apologize and say" thank you "and the call was disconnected.

In a statement, Taco Bell said, "This person is no longer working for the brand."

A spokesperson told EL Nuevo Herald that "this does not meet our expectations for customer service" and "We worked quickly to resolve the problem with the customer to ensure that it does not happen again.

Montgomery's Facebook publication garnered more than 4,000 comments on Friday. Most were in favor of her.

"Hialeah is still part of Florida and, if I remember correctly, correct me if I am wrong, Florida is part of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, it is a country where the". English is the language we speak. This is a shame for the Hispanic / Latino community, "commented a Facebook user.

I'm sorry here in America, we speak English! You can speak whatever language you want, but if you want to live here, I think you will at least learn our language, "wrote another.

According to the 2010 census, about 89% of Hialeah residents speak Spanish as first or second language and over 94% say they are Hispanic or Latino.

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