Talking about throwing away the sponge is simply "disrespectful"


Do not talk to the giants about the white flag standing in front of their building.

After trading their second defensive starter in as many days, the 1-6 Giants do not believe their office is giving up this season and only think about the future.

"The story of the season's abandonment, I really think it's disrespectful to the guys in the locker room," coach Pat Shurmur said Wednesday night.

The first shoe to fall came Tuesday afternoon, a day off for the Giants, when Eli Apple was traded to the Saints for a fourth round pick in 2019 and a seventh round in 2020. At the moment they woke up Wednesday, Damon Harrison was gone, also sent to the Lions for a fifth-round pick in 2019.

The reactions inside the locker room varied from one shock to another, but the players agreed with their coach what that meant for this group.

"We do not throw the sponge at all, dude. Honestly, I think it's disrespectful to our players, "said cornerback B.W. Webb, who could be online for more gaming time instead of Apple. "We do not participate in any game thinking we're just going to throw it away. We fight every week, there are people who play for their families, their children, for each other. It is disrespectful when we hear that, someone says we are doing tanking or something like that. "

That did not mean there was no surprise.

"It's crazy, I was shocked," said Webb.

There was no eggshell visible on the locker room floor Wednesday, but the players inside could not be blamed if they still felt like stepping on until Tuesday at 4pm. Deadline for transactions.

"I have the impression that people from the outside can think that, but in the locker room, it's not the feeling we have at all," said Dalvin Tomlinson, who could find his natural position at the nose guard with Harrison gone. "We are all just starving to get this win."

But they also know their business and, with two trades already completed, General Manager Dave Gettleman could remain busy trying to improve the future of the Giants and other upcoming moves.

"Anything can happen at any time," said linebacker and captain Alec Ogletree, who was traded to the Giants during the off season. "Our job is to come here and do what you can while you're here. You never know when your last shot for this team could be. "

Harrison, the former Jet, tweeted his farewell to the area that he called home for the first seven years of his career.

"I gave the best of myself to every game of every game," Harrison wrote in a message released on Wednesday. "Sorry for letting you guys down."

The Giants spent the day Wednesday holding meetings, training and jogging instead of practicing after Monday's game against the Falcons.

But there was also a bit of treatment to be done and discussions to be made between the players on how to get past the trades and focus on the Redskins on Sunday.

"When we arrive today, everyone suffers this initial shock, so it's like, well, a lot of young guys would have a chance," said Captain Michael Thomas, safety and "It's a business of production and we are 1-6. You must expect changes. But at the same time, it's never easy. "

Webb said he sent a text message to Apple to make sure he was in a good mood. Tomlinson stated that he had communicated only briefly with Harrison about meetings.

Although trades shouted that the Giants were looking to the future, those still playing in the present have tried to focus on that.

"When you're going through controversy or events, it's about keeping the team close and coming together," Eli Manning said. "Have something that people will say outside, prove them wrong. Let's go and win a football match. "

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