Talking to your doctor about mental health is essential


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Many people with mental illness do not receive care despite the large amount of resources available

By Lauren Glendenning
Presented by Kaiser Permanente

In the United States, about one in five adults suffers from mental illness each year, but about 60% of these people do not receive mental health services.

This is apparent from data from the National Alliance Against Mental Illness, which also indicates that 50% of all chronic mental illnesses start at age 14 and 75% at age 24.

"Perceived stigma is a significant deterrent to patients seeking medical care, which is why many patients are never diagnosed or treated for significant mental health issues," said Dr. Carol. Venable, doctor in internal medicine at the medical offices of Kaiser Permanente in Frisco. "I'm trying to reassure patients that mental health problems are extremely common and that we look forward to the problems we encounter when visiting the clinic."

Stories recommended for you

So, if you are concerned about yourself or a loved one who often suffers from mental illness, where can you find the appropriate help? Often, a primary care physician is a great first step.

"I think there is a perception of mental illness as something isolated from the rest of the medical care," Venable said. "As providers, we tend to view mental health issues as an essential part of medicine and an impact that often affects many other aspects of health."

Mental Health Resources

Mental health resources vary considerably depending on the patient's scenario. Some patients may require regular therapy and possibly medications, while others may require more robust intervention such as psychiatric care in a hospital setting.

"Counselors and psychiatrists are often involved in the care of our patients, alcohol and drug rehabilitation can be an indispensable complement, and there are now useful webinars and applications to help you with certain therapeutic modalities, including cognitive therapy. -comportmental and meditation, "said Venable. . "At Kaiser Permanente, we also have a team that tracks patients with more serious mental health issues to make sure they receive the care they need."

This has consequences not only for patients who do not get the help they need, but also for their family members, communities and the economy. A serious mental illness costs the United States $ 193.2 billion in lost revenue a year, but the consequences in human lives are much more serious. Suicide is the 10th the leading cause of death in the United States and the third leading cause of death in children aged 10 to 14 years. It is the second leading cause of death among 15 to 24 year olds.

"We are putting a lot of time and energy into primary care to make sure our patients are connected to counselors or psychiatrists as needed, and huge resources are needed in terms of follow-up," Venable said. "I think families can do a lot to reduce the stigma of mental illness among family members and encourage them to ask for help."

Empower communities

Because of the prevalence of mental illness in this country, mental health problems affect almost everyone, directly or indirectly, through friends, family members or colleagues, said Venable. "But it can be difficult to talk about it, even with your loved ones, and together, by removing the stigma that surrounds the discussion of mental health, we can create a culture of acceptance and support. "

She recommends reading more about, a resource that explains how to tell what is needed for a loved one, as well as tips for listening to someone in need.

Venable said that the National Institute of Mental Health offers excellent resources to those who wish to learn more about mental illnesses and how to treat them. Learn more at

Facts about mental health

– Only 41% of American adults with a mental health problem have received mental health services in the last year. Of adults with severe mental illness, 62.9% received mental health services in the past year.

– About 1 in 5 adults in the United States – 43.8 million, or 18.5% – have mental illness in a given year.

– Half of all chronic mental illness starts at age 14; three quarters before the age of 24. Despite the effectiveness of treatment, long delays, sometimes several decades, separate the onset of the first symptoms and the time when people get help.

Source: National Alliance for Mental Illness

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