Tara Reid reveals that her mother has died: "My heart is breaking"


Tara Reid's mother, Donna, is dead.

"Today was one of the most heartbreaking days of my life. My mother, Donna Reid, just died Sharknado actress, 42, wrote Saturday in an emotional tribute to Instagram.

"My heart is breaking – who should I call every day, what should I do?" She added next to a picture of her mother and father, the late Thomas Reid, the day of their wedding.

She added, "2 years ago, I lost my father and I have never felt such pain. Now I just lost my mother. But what I do know is that they are reunited again. Mom and dad, I love you! RIP, your little girl Tara.

A few months ago, after the actress seemed to express her words in an interview while promoting The last Sharknadoshe published a statement assuring her fans that she was fine, while mentioning her mother's health issues.

"I'm also grateful to have been able to share this moment with my mother, who walked the red carpet with me on Sunday," she wrote in a statement broadcast on Australian television. Today Extra in August. "She was struggling with her health and having her by my side, perhaps for the last time, was incredibly rewarding."

In an Instagram post, Reid explained the health of his mother by writing that at the time of the first, his mother "was extremely sick" and that she "had just left the ICU".

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Reid's father died in December 2016 at the age of 76.

"It was a man full of life, love, wisdom and strength," wrote the actress on Instagram at the time. "He was not only fun and cheerful, but he was also one of the best story tellers I've ever heard of."

"My father was so supportive, kind, strong and my hero. He was my heart, my soul and my whole world. I love you and I will miss you so much daddy! "Continua does.

RELATED: Tara Reid claims that Delta was forced to force her to put her dog in a top luggage compartment, she chose to leave the plane

Reid's mother's death comes less than a week after the actress claimed she had been asked to leave a Delta flight because they would not have let her sit next to her dog.

While a Delta spokesman told People in a statement, that the plane had gone back to the door "due to a customer disruption on board," Reid then refuted that assertion in a shared statement on Instagram.

"I was taking a flight to [N.Y.C.] shoot a movie. I had [pre-arranged] flight plans to take my 3-month-old puppy, who is my emotional support dog, with me, "she wrote.

Reid went on to say that after being asked to tidy up the dog in the upper luggage compartment, as well as "the belly of the plane", she had "disembarked from the plane of my own" chief".

A Delta spokesperson previously told PEOPLE that Reid's claims were inconsistent with the reports of the incident by several flight attendants and airline personnel, and that the actress was disruptive and undisciplined. The spokesman also said that an airline employee would never recommend that an animal be stowed in a higher bin.

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