Tarek and Christina El Moussa Details of the divorce


Christina and Tarek El Moussa have spent more than a decade rebuilding their homes – and in the past two years they have tackled their biggest renovation to date: complete evisceration and the renovation of their personal life. It's been two years since the powerful couple of HGTV – and the stars of the hit series, Flip Gold Flop – announced their separation, and in a recent interview with People Christina just opened about how devastating the transition has been.

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"Tarek and I were so connected to everything: the real estate, the show, our kids, our home," she explains. "It was so stressful, and everyone was afraid it would explode."

Worsens the external pressure by dealing with the end of a relationship – and find out what it means to you and your children, everything in you is covered in the media – and the transition can seem exhausting.

  Why did christina and tarek divorced


"I had the impression of drowning myself," Christina told the magazine in her latest issue. "I was doing everything I could to stay on top of the water and just spend the day."

Tarek was equally forthright about the experience. "I could barely walk, I was so broken as a person, after going through all the trauma and divorce and all these different things," he told Dr. Drew podcast earlier this spring.

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All the buzz surrounding their separation has sparked many questions from fans. Here are the answers to the big ones.

Why did Christina and Tarek have a divorce, anyway?

It would be easy to hear these statements – and to see episodes of Flip Gold Flop that only show the published public part of their lives – and wonder why the two never finished the things. As painful as the divorce, it was a decision that they had taken after attending counseling sessions and ultimately decided that they had irreconcilable differences.

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"There's so much going on on TV, and notoriety, and finance, and so many different things happening at the same time, and that slowly separated us," Tarek said. Dr. Drew.

Did the gun incident have anything to do with that?

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Some linked their divorce to an incident in May 2016, when Tarek left his home in Yorba Linda, CA, with gun. MPs arrived at the scene, responding to reports of a man with a weapon that was possibly suicidal, reported The Orange County Register .

The couple separated shortly after, but the El Moussas quickly explained that it was not because of that. "Like any couple, we had our share of problems," she told People . "But we went through a lot of things in a short time."

In an interview on the show Today Tarek clarified the air, explaining that he had never been suicidal and that he had not brought the gun only because he was hiking in a wooded area with "bobcats and rattlesnakes." like, great wildlife "around." It was really disproportionate, "he explained.

Was there a divorce settlement?

A year after Tarek had filed for divorce, the end of Their marriage was finalized and although the news of their divorce and joint custody was made public, the court order of January 22, 2018 did not contain details of how their money and property would be divided.

"Like any couple, we had our share of problems."

He stated, however, that Christina and Tarek could not make any "disparaging remarks" to each other in front of their children (Taylor, 7, and Brayden, 2), and they did not allow others to do so, either.

Are they still shooting Flip or Flop Together?

Christina and Tarek come from present the last season of their hit series – their first of then divorce – and they do not know the elephant. . The first episode addresses their separation from the front, setting the tone for a more personal season. "I sometimes think it's hard to see ourselves as real people and a real family struggling with struggles like everyone else," Christina told Yahoo Lifestyle.

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In addition, at the end of the day, they "have to go to work and support our children," she said, continuing the show.

Who is Christina Dating? After Tarek had filed for divorce, Christina met with businessman Doug Spedding for several months, separating in mid-October 2017 as Doug entered a drug rehabilitation center for people with addiction problems. , according to People . About a month later, Christina was spotted with her current boyfriend – and author / TV host – Ant Antstead. The two were incredibly supportive of each other, causing even a secret hashtag (#HMF) that made fans fight to decode what it meant.

Who is Tarek dating?

Tarek enjoys single life right now. "I have a ton of friends, I go out and I'm having a great time and I'm focusing on my kids and my career," he told CountryLiving.com in June.

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Where Do They Live Now?

Tarek left the Yorba Linda home of El Moussas after their separation, and once their divorce finalized, Christina put the house on the market. She has just closed a new home in Newport Beach, California, while Tarek is renovating the Costa Mesa home that he bought in March.

Will Tarek appear in Christina on the coast ? [19659012] Christina recently announced that she would play in her own HGTV solo show, Christina On The Coast to be aired early in 2019. The series will focus on her designing her new home, as well that to help eight more families design theirs. There is no house turning this time, and no word to know if you will see Tarek. We do not rely on it, though.

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Will Tarek also have his own show?

HGTV said the network was in talks with Tarek to produce its own solo venture, but no details have been released. With all his recent posts Instagram Stories about the work he's doing on his house (this custom chandelier 7 feet tall though!), It seems like there's plenty of content for a show Tarek Out On The Town . I'm just saying.

In her interview of 2 July 2018 with People Christina says that Tarek and she "managed to build something even bigger than we had before," while parenting their two children .

"I thought of this year as a reconstruction," she explained. "I'm moving, I have a new show a new boyfriend – there are a lot of projects going on, I'm so happy, and for the first time in a long time, I feel like peace, which is such a good feeling. "

Tarek expressed a kind of similar peace. "After separating and losing my family, I said I would do everything I can to be the best person I can be. I can say that I am the best version of myself that I thought I could to be, "he told Dr. Drew.

After the separation, Tarek did an introspection and focused on taking care of his mental and physical health. "Honestly, I'm the happiest I've ever lived, because I do not feel what I was feeling," he said

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