Taylor Smith pleads not guilty of reckless endangerment after pushing his friend off a 60-foot bridge


An 18-year-old Washington girl, who was seen on a video pushing her friend on a three-story bridge, pleaded not guilty in an audience room full of spectators.

Taylor Smith was accused of reckless negligence for jostling Jordan Holgerson, 16, from the 60-foot space on August 7, leaving the high school student with broken ribs and a perforated lung.

The cell video of the incident was uploaded to the internet, where it quickly became viral. Smith said that she pushed her friend to help her overcome her fear. Holgerson, however, told investigators that she did not want to be forced into the water.

The teens were part of a group that stood on the Vancouver Bridge, where some jumped into the Lewis River, far below.

At Friday's appearance, the judge ordered Smith not to have contact with Holgerson. She was also ordered not to leave the area except to go to school.

The two girls refused to talk to reporters at the courthouse.

"She wanted to jump and she was scared and she asked me to push her, and I did not think about the consequences," Smith said.

The video shows Holgerson falling and screaming.

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