Taylor Swift denounces the anti-gay candidate in the Senate


5:37 pm PDT 17/10/2018


Kimberly Nordyke

The crooner country turned pop superstar has publicly approved two candidates on Instagram on Sunday, after years of criticism for remaining silent on political issues.

Taylor Swift finally makes her political opinions known.

The singer – who was reluctant to talk politics in the face of intense pressure – posted a long message on Instagram on Sunday, announcing that she was voting for Phil Bredesen, a Democrat candidate for the US Senate of Tennessee against Republican candidate Marsha Blackburn. In the past, Swift has been hesitant to speak up and has been strongly criticized for not having done so. She recognized him in his message.

"In the past, I have been reluctant to publicly express my political views, but because of many events in my life and around the world in the last two years, I have a very different opinion about it now," was -she writes. "I have always voted and will always vote according to the candidate who will defend and defend the human rights we all deserve in this country.I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is FALSE I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, disgusting and widespread. "

Swift added that she regretted not being able to support a candidate.

"I can not vote for someone who will not want to fight for the dignity of ALL Americans, no matter what their skin color, sex or those they like. The state of Tennessee is a woman named Marsha Blackburn.Now and wishing to continue to vote for women in office, I can not support Marsha Blackburn.Her polling record in Congress annoys and terrifies me. voted against equal pay for women and against the law on the re-authorization of violence against women, which tries to protect women against domestic violence, criminal harassment and rape with a girl. She believes that companies have the right to refuse to serve same-sex couples, nor should they have the right to marry – they are not my Tennessee values ​​- will vote for Phil Bredesen for the Senate and Jim Cooper for the House of Representatives tants. "

She concluded by calling on her supporters to "learn" about the candidates running their own states and to encourage them to register to vote.

According to a CBS News / YouGov poll released on Sunday, Blackburn was leading Bredesen (she is leading with 50% of respondents who said they would vote for her if the elections were held today, against 42% for Bredesen). Both are vying for the current seat of outgoing Republican Senator Bob Corker.

For its part, Bredesen thanked Swift for his support in a tweet.

"Thanks for the nice words @ taylorswift13," he writes. "I am honored to have your support and that of so many Tennesseans who are willing to put aside partisan cries and get things done – we are ready to do that."

The singer – who debuted in country music but has become a superstar of pop – has a fan base of many conservative voters. Several Twitter users have applauded for finally speaking up. posts included: "ALL LONG LAST TAYLOR SWIFT PUBLISHED ITS POLITICAL VIEWS IN THE WORLD AND MY GOD, IT IS GLORIOUS THANK YOU TO THE LORD TO BE ABLE TO GIVE KNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE SUPPORTED A REPUBLICAN FOR 11 YEARS."

And another A: "I spent the whole day crying before my father appeared unexpectedly on Facebook, but Taylor Swift just announced his political point of view for the first time. I knew it was a dark day. "

Another A: "You know this country and our political landscape is smashed at 10,000,000% when Taylor Swift actually breaks his silence on his political views."

And another"Sweetheart, Taylor Swift has just posted politics on Instagram, and the liberal queen has Kanye's red hat on her bald head."

Read Swift's full post below.

I am writing this article about the upcoming mid-term elections on November 6th, during which I will be voting in the state of Tennessee. In the past, I have been reluctant to publicly express my political views, but because of many events in my life and around the world in the past two years, I have a very different opinion about it now. I have always voted and will always vote according to the candidate who will protect and defend the human rights we all deserve in this country. I believe in the struggle for LGBTQ rights and for the fact that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is FALSE. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, disgusting and widespread. I can not vote for someone who will not want to fight for the dignity of ALL Americans, no matter the color of their skin, their gender or the ones they like. In the state of Tennessee, a woman named Marsha Blackburn is a candidate in the Senate. Although in the past and I want to continue to vote for women in office, I can not support Marsha Black-burn. His voting record in Congress bothers me and terrifies me. She voted against equal pay for women. She voted against the law on the re-authorization of violence against women, which tries to protect women from domestic violence, criminal harassment and date rape. She believes that businesses have the right to refuse to serve gay couples. She also thinks that they should not have the right to get married. These are not my Tennessee values. I will vote for Phil Bredesen in the Senate and Jim Cooper in the House of Representatives. Please, please, find out about current applications in your state and vote according to who best represents your values. For many of us, it is possible that we never find a candidate or party with whom we agree 100% on each point, but we still have to vote. So many intelligent, thoughtful and confused people are 18 years old in the last two years and now have the right and the privilege to make their vote count. But you must first register, which is quick and easy to do. October 9th is the last day to register to vote in the state of TN. Go to vote.org and you will find all the information. Good vote!

An article shared by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

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