Music superstar Taylor Swift has violated his long-standing policy of not discussing politics by posting Instagram support for Democrat Phil Bredesen, a candidate for Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee.

Taylor Swift may have risked his reputation to support two Democratic candidates at the Tennessee Congress, but according to, his Instagram post on Sunday caused an increase in the number of registrations.

"Thanks to God for Taylor Swift," Buzzfeed News told Kamari Guthrie, director of communications for the not-for-profit election, who announced that more than 65,000 people had registered to vote in the 24 hours after the publication of Swift's message.

According to Guthrie, recorded its second busiest day of the year after Swift's message with 155,940 unique visitors to its website, making it the most important day since the day. voter registration on September 25, when the site registered 304,942 unique visitors. , compared to a daily average of 14,078 visitors.

It seems that the Swift post has particularly inspired the new voters of Tennessee, his home country. Of the 5,183 new registrations registered in Tennessee since the beginning of the month, at least 2,144 registrations have been registered in the last 36 hours, up from 2,811 in September and 951 in August.

Read more: The political declaration of Taylor Swift is a moment of redemption for the star

What about his reputation? Taylor Swift's policy attracts praise and reproach

In an Instagram post on Sunday, Swift sponsored Democratic Senate candidate Phil Bredesen, who is running against Republican candidate Marsha Blackburn in a high-profile race.

"In the past, I was reluctant to publicly express my political views, but because of many events in my life and around the world in the past two years, I have a very different opinion about it now," said the 28-year-old star pop wrote.

President Trump responded Monday by calling Blackburn "extraordinary woman".

"I'm sure Taylor Swift does not know anything about it," says Trump. "Let's say I love Taylor's music about 25% less now."

Related: Trump loves Taylor Swift's music "about 25% less" after his approval

See this post on Instagram

I am writing this article about the upcoming mid-term elections on November 6th, during which I will be voting in the state of Tennessee. In the past, I have been reluctant to publicly express my political views, but because of many events in my life and around the world in the past two years, I have a very different opinion about it now. I have always voted and will always vote according to the candidate who will protect and defend the human rights we all deserve in this country. I believe in the struggle for LGBTQ rights and for the fact that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is FALSE. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, disgusting and widespread. I can not vote for someone who will not want to fight for the dignity of ALL Americans, no matter the color of their skin, their gender or the ones they like. In the state of Tennessee, a woman named Marsha Blackburn is a candidate in the Senate. Although in the past and I want to continue to vote for women in office, I can not support Marsha Blackburn. His voting record in Congress bothers me and terrifies me. She voted against equal pay for women. She voted against the law on the re-authorization of violence against women, which aims to protect women from domestic violence, criminal harassment and date rape. She believes that businesses have the right to refuse to serve gay couples. She also thinks that they should not have the right to get married. These are not my Tennessee values. I will vote for Phil Bredesen in the Senate and Jim Cooper in the House of Representatives. Please, please, find out about the candidates who are in your state and vote according to who best represents your values. For many of us, it is possible that we never find a candidate or party with whom we agree 100% on each point, but we still have to vote. So many intelligent, thoughtful and confused people are 18 years old in the last two years and now have the right and the privilege to make their vote count. But you must first register, which is quick and easy to do. October 9th is the last day to register to vote in the state of TN. Go to and you will find all the information. Good vote! ???

An article shared by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

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