Team Hell No Vs The Bludgeon Brothers


Daniel Bryan's shot at the WWE Championship was ruined by the Bludgeon brothers, so should he take revenge?

Last week, the Live SmackDownDaniel Bryan was in ultimate outsider mode while he was entering the five-player match to determine the first contender for the WWE title.

Bryan (barely) survived two grueling battles against Big E and Samoa Joe. They each pushed Bryan to the limit and left their mark (mostly on his chest) on the battered veteran.

Whatever the case may be, Daniel's heart wished him as he was preparing for his next challenger.

Then, he was blinded by nowhere by the Bludgeon brothers. They hit their double power bomb by finishing their move on the Yes Man, allowing The Miz to slip into the ring and steal a victory over his nemesis. Fans who were disappointed that The Miz eliminated Daniel Bryan were quickly exalted as none other than Rusev defeated Miz and became AJ Styles' challenger for the WWE Championship at Extreme Rules.

But that could have been Bryan's time of Daniel Bryan if the Bludgeon brothers had not interfered. So, why did the team participate in a clash between competitors in singles? Well, there are some theories.

One theory was that The Miz paid the Bludgeon Brothers, but Miz dispelled this theory on Miz TV when he asked if the Bludgeon Brothers had done it in audition to become the new Miztourage. Harper and Rowan were not amused and obviously rejected this idea.

So, it looks like the WWE could just use a basic narration here. Daniel Bryan interrupted the Bludgeon brothers' "celebration" after their victory, so Harper and Rowan decided to charge Bryan later that night.

If that is the case, Daniel Bryan should look for retaliation in the form of a quarrel that will explode at Extreme Rules. It would be great for all parties since the Bludgeon brothers have already beaten some of the Smack downThe best tag teams, including New Day, The Usos, and The Good Brothers, and Daniel Bryan get to stay busy without getting involved in the title photo or his silver quarrel with Miz until he 's up. at SummerSlam or later.

At first, Bryan was looking to take on Harper, Rowan, and even The Miz in singles competition. However, eventually the numbers game came back and toppled Bryan, while Erik Rowan broke the match and led a slaughter on The Beard.

To the delight of the crowd, Kane went out to save his former teammate from destruction. After eliminating the Bludgeon Brothers, Team Hell No did what he did best: hug him! Then, Paige announced that they will challenge The Bludgeon Brothers for belts at Extreme Rules.

Team Hell No vs. Bludgeon Brothers at the Extreme Rules will be a great match off for Kane and a big filler rivalry for Daniel Bryan while he will head for a big singles program for SummerSlam. This will also help keep Bryan, Harper and Rowan strong, as Kane will probably take the fall in the game.

The Hell No team has provided us with so many memories in the past, and now Daniel Bryan and Kane have had one last chance in what should be a great match against The Bludgeon Brothers at Extreme Rules.

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