Teamsters and UPS to resume talks after workers reject contract


Teamsters members rejected a new contract with United Parcel Service Inc., but union management said the turnout was too low to refuse the contract. Both parties said they would return to the bargaining table before the holiday season.

The preliminary results of the votes showed that 54.3% of the votes cast opposed the five – year agreement which represents 243,000 drivers, package sorters and other workers, revealed on Friday evening the number of votes cast. International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Another pact representing 11,000 UPS Freight workers was also rejected, 62.1% of the votes cast being opposed to this agreement.

The Teamsters issued a statement that the union considered that the largest contract had been ratified despite the counting of votes. According to union rules, a national contract must be rejected by a two-thirds majority of votes when less than half of the members vote. The union said 44% of the members voted, the final total was 42,356 in favor and 50,248 opposed.

"Not enough members covered by the national master UPS agreement exercised their right to vote," the union said. "And as we saw in the 2016 US presidential election, winning the popular vote does not necessarily win the election when the Constitution requires you to win the electoral college vote. As Teamsters, we must also respect the rules of our Constitution. The UPS National Master Agreement has been ratified. "

Although they said the larger contract was ratified, union leaders said they would reopen discussions with the company. "We will be going back to the company to talk to them about some additional changes," said Denis Taylor, co-chair of the Teamsters bargaining committee.

Discussions will also resume on other smaller contracts, including the one for UPS Freight workers, where a sufficient number of members voted to reject the agreement. A number of other regional and local agreements were also rejected.

A spokesman for UPS said the company "will be meeting with the Teamsters leaders shortly to discuss the next steps on the agreements." its operations. "Business continues as usual at UPS."

"The Teamsters Negotiation Committee and UPS have developed fair deals that reward UPS employees for their contribution to the company's success, including improved wages, benefits and job creation," said the door. of the company, Steve Gaut.

The votes show a deep split in the ranks of the Teamsters, inflicting a heavy blow on Teamsters management and UPS who have tried to sell their ranks in the contracts.

The vote adds a layer of uncertainty to the UPS's operations as it moves towards the critical peak period as the number of packages passing through its network soars.

The agreement in principle, reached between the company and union leaders in July, was facing a persistent campaign by a Teamster faction opposing a two-party pay system. levels for drivers and starting salaries that will soon follow those proposed to

"Our members have spoken out loud," said Sean O'Brien, a Teamster leader in Boston who opposed the deal. "This contract is clearly concessionary and leaders should listen to members and go back and get what our members deserve."

This contract is one of the largest collective bargaining agreements in North America and is considered essential in defining the distribution giant's cost structure at a time when it is shipping more parcels than ever before through online shopping.

The creation of a two-tier system would have allowed the company to use less well-paid workers to deliver packages on weekends, which would have the effect of reducing delivery costs. Teamsters leaders said it would also allow parcel sorters and other workers to get a higher rate of pay.

Teamsters for a Democratic Union, a group opposed to the current leadership of the union, argued that the weekend driver's position created a division among the workforce, as people would be doing the same job as before. 39, a better paid flat rate truck driver.

The opposition seized this week's information that Amazon would increase its starting salary to $ 15 an hour, noting that the proposed contract with UPS provided for a starting hourly rate of $ 13.00 and would not reach $ 15. dollars before 2021.

Before the vote count, a spokesman for UPS said the company believed that its overall compensation package, including health insurance, pension plan, vacation pay and others, made it competitive.

Write to Paul Ziobro at [email protected]

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