Tech CEO Marc Benioff, Jack Dorsey and Spar on Prop fight against homelessness


On Friday, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff publicly argued against a controversial homelessness proposal in San Francisco.


Dorsey, however, has sided with critics of the proposal, including San Francisco Mayor London Breed and state Sen. Scott Wiener, who argue that the proposal lacks accountability and accountability. appropriate supervision.

After Dorsey disagreed with Benioff's support for Prop C on Twitter, Benioff responded by asking Dorsey about his financial contribution, Twitter and Square's fight against homelessness.

For years, Twitter has benefited from the central market tax exclusion, commonly known as "Twitter Tax Relief," which encourages businesses to maintain offices in a tough neighborhood of San Francisco.

Dorsey responded by telling Benioff that he was "hijacking" his support for Mayor Breed:

Benioff and Dorsey have a story: Salesforce's CEO tried to buy Twitter in 2016.

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