Ted Cruz: Dems Want To Turn Into Texas 'Tofu, Silicon, Dyed-Hair' California


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told a crowd at a rally Saturday that Democrats are raising "millions of dollars" to transform Texas into California with its "tofu, silicon and dyed hair."

In the Texans who have nightmares about becoming Californians.

"We are seeing tens of millions of dollars flowing into the state of Texas," said Cruz at a rally at a high school in Katy.

"They want us to be just like California," "Check out the video above at 19:30."

Cruz confessed that his wife, Heidi Cruz, was a "California vegetarian" – though he did not reveal if she was tofu. "She's wonderful, but I brought her to the great state of Texas," he said to cheers.

The senator is trying to fight off a strong challenge in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Beto O'Rourke. Cruz has only a slight lead in GOP stronghold. President Donald Trump's budget director Mick Mulvaney said it was a "very real possibility" that Cruz could lose his seat, according to an audiotape obtained by The New York Times.

Many Twitter users were scratching their heads about the hair in the back of the hair.

Some thought he was complaining about "silicone," as in breast implants, rather than "silicon," as in Silicon Valley. Several people thought Texas has had California beat on silicone. Texas also has silicon.

Still, other tweeters from both Texas and California were discovering their common anti-Cruz control.

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