Ted Cruz jokes: Beto O 'Rourke can share a prison cell with Hillary Clinton


Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), whose seat in the Senate may soon have a new occupant, played Tuesday night when a campaigner shouted "Lock it up!" By referring to his Democratic opponent, Beto O'Rourke.

"Well, you know, there's a double-occupancy cell with Hillary Clinton," Cruz said in Georgetown, Texas.

He added, "You are all going to get me into trouble with this."

Since the 2016 presidential campaign, supporters of President Donald Trump have been chanting "Let's lock it up!" In reference to Clinton. The former presidential candidate fell under the spell of the FBI for using a private computer server for government affairs during the election campaign, but was not charged with a crime. Trump's supporters did not give up singing. Attorney General Jeff Sessions no longer.

From time to time, the law pushes back against other Trump's enemies, such as Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), For receiving a letter from an elector describing in detail a sexual assault. chaired by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

O'Rourke has become a surprisingly formidable opponent for Cruz. The Houston Chronicle, which generally supports Republican presidential candidates, endorsed O'Rourke last week, praising his "mastery of the issues that matter to this state, his unaffected eloquence and his eagerness to address all Texans ".

As November 6 approaches, the polls show the two candidates neck and neck.

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