Ted Cruz jokes that Beto O'Rourke could lead the Honduran caravan, while his challenger hurts Trump's border policies | 2018 Elections


HOUSTON – Two days before the start of the advance poll, the hopes of the Texas Senate prompted their supporters Saturday with passionate but diametrically opposed messages on immigration.

Senator Ted Cruz, son of a Cuban immigrant, said in Houston that his Democratic opponent, the representative Beto O. Rourke, was adopting "reckless and extreme" positions that would compromise the stricter application of immigration laws by President Donald Trump.

O 'Rourke, who was campaigning in northern Texas, fiercely denounced the separation of immigrant children and their parents by the federal government. For a time, he was commissioned by Trump, who seems to be Cruz's new key man in social media.

Trump will attend a rally in Houston for the outgoing GOP MP on Monday, the first day of the advance poll. In a tweet on Friday, the president called O & # 39; Rourke "total lightness compared to Ted Cruz".

O 'Rourke reportedly reported losing weight on the runway, despite Whataburgers and French fries, and arranging reconciliation between Cruz and Trump.

"Now they are together again," said O & # Rourke, "and it's so good for them."

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