Ted Cruz slightly dominates Beto O 'Rourke in the latest poll


Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz had a 51% to 46% lead over the Democratic Republic, Beto O'Rourke, in the hotly contested Lone Star State Senate race, according to a new poll released Monday.

This compared to a 54% to 45% lead of Cruz in a survey conducted on Oct. 11 by Quinnipiac University.

O'Rourke led from 56% to 40% of independent voters and from 96% to 2% of Democrats. The Republicans, meanwhile, supported Cruz from 96% to 3%, according to the Q poll.

Only 3% of likely Texas voters remained undecided and only 2% of likely voters said they could change their minds in the next eight days.

"One week from the end, US Senator Ted Cruz of Texas remains in the lead with a slight lead over US representative Beto O'Rourke. O'Rourke is at hand, but time is running out in a race that the Democrats hoped to win a thwarted victory that would be the key to overthrowing the Senate, "said Peter A. Brown, deputy director of survey of Quinnipiac University.

"Sen. Cruz is in the lead because of his "gender gap". He wins men between 56 and 39%, while the representative O'Rourke can only manage a benefit of 52 to 45% for women. "

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