Teen Mom: Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra wait for a third child


There is another Teen mom baby on the way!

Teen Mom OG The star Catelynn Lowell is expecting her third child with her husband Tyler Baltierra, they revealed to US weekly.

Speaking about the pregnancy, Lowell admitted that the baby's news was a surprise to the couple.

"The big news is that we are waiting for our baby rainbow. This baby is our rainbow after the storm. I am super excited, "said Lowell WE. "It was a huge shock at first. We had not expected it, especially after the miscarriage and the way I came down with my mental illness.

She added, "We were going to wait a very long time. We used protection and everything and still got pregnant. This baby just wanted to be here. It was very unexpected.

Lowell has already announced that she was pregnant during a January episode of Teen Mom OG. But a few months later, the couple revealed that she had a miscarriage.

Lowell, who had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, went to rehab last November to seek treatment for his suicidal thoughts, and then in early January to overcome the trauma of childhood.

Lowell and Balteirra have been together for 13 years and celebrate their birthday in July. Dating from the college, the 25-year-olds welcomed their first child, Carly, in the first season of 16 and pregnant.

They placed Carly for adoption and continued to document their lives together on behalf of MTV. Teen mom OG, welcoming Nova in 2015.

The Baltierras were married at Castle Farms in Charlevoix, Michigan, eight months after the birth of their second daughter.

ASSOCIATED VIDEO: Teen momAmber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell Baltierra spoke about their struggles for mental health

Catelynn was open about her fears of a second pregnancy because she experienced postpartum depression after the birth of Nova.

"I've definitely thought about it and it's the only thing that holds me back, honestly," she told PEOPLE of her fight against PPD. "Mostly because they say that if you've had a postpartum period once, you're more likely to get it with your neighbor.

"With Nova, I thought it was serious because I already had problems with anxiety and panic attacks and depression," she said. "So it's certainly the thing that scares me the most. I want to have a big family and a lot of kids, but it's scary. It's really scary.

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