Teen Mom: Cheyenne Floyd's daughter has a genetic disorder


Teen momCheyenne Floyd speaks about her daughter's health problems.

In the preview of Monday's episode of Teen Mom OGFloyd remembers learning about the genetic disorder of his one-year-old daughter Ryder.

"Ryder was born with a rare genetic disorder called VLCAD," she says, addressing her cousin. "She can not handle fatty foods."

Floyd, 25, says Ryder was diagnosed with a very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency just two days after returning from the hospital.

"When she was born for the first time, she had to eat every two hours," she says. "She has to take medicine in the morning and in the evening. Since it's genetic, it's something she'll always have.

Although Ryder grows up and gets stronger, Floyd says she's constantly worried that her health will take a turn.

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"It's scary to hear that she may be in shock," she says. "It's scary to hear that she can fall into a coma. The fact that this is realistic scares me.

Floyd shares Ryder with fellow star Cory Wharton. Although Floyd, who originally appeared on MTV's Are you elected? Season 3 has openly documented her pregnancy on social networks. She did not reveal who was the father until Ryder was 7 months old.

They then revealed that they had designed Ryder at a party where they were spinning The challenge: rivals III meeting.

Wharton is known for being an actress on the long MTV show, meeting several women in the series.

After Rivals III, Wharton appeared on the following seasons Invasion, Sale 30, and Fields Vs. Stars and Vendettas.

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