Teenage Girl Caught At The Center Of A Medical And Religious Debate Over Brain Death Dies After Surgery


(SAN FRANCISCO) – A girl at the center of the medical and religious debate after death in New Jersey, her mother said Thursday.

Nailah Winkfield said doctors declared her daughter Jahi McMath dead on June

McMath was declared dead in December 2013 when she was suffering from a condition that caused her to lose her temper. certificate. Several specialists competed after neurological tests

Winkfield refused to accept the conclusion. She said that she was convinced of her life, and that she was showing signs of life in her hands.

Winkfield flew her daughter to New Jersey, where she has remained on life support and received in the state that accommodate religions that do not recognize brain death.

"Wow," said Winkfield. "

McMath's case drew national attention amid the debate over brain death and religious beliefs. Conservative religious groups rallied behind Winkfield and Maintained Money for McMath's continued care

Winkfield said she was going to work, sold her home in Oakland and used to pay for McMath's care in New Jersey. The state's Medicaid program and donations also contributed to the girl's care.

"These last four-and-a-half years have not been easy," Winkfield said. "

Winkfield and her lawyers have been trying to rescue the death of a child from a medical malpractice lawsuit filed against Children's Hospital in Oakland.

In refusing to throw out the lawsuit last year, a judge ruled that it was up to a jury to determine if the girl was still alive.

Chris Dolan Attorney said the New Jersey death certificate That argument, but he and Winkfield are still debating whether or not to continue the fight and possibly set a new situation.

"Winkfield said about her daughter. "I really hope that people will learn from this and get to grips with it."

Children's Hospital lawyers did not argue that the family did not test McMath to tests accepted by the American Medical Association to determine brain death. [19659015Dolansaysnewtechnologyhasmadetraditionaltestsobsolete

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