Teenager charged with strangled mother



Teenager charged with strangled mother

Authorities say that a 15-year-old boy from Florida strangled his mother after arguing with a bad note.

Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood told the media that the teenager was arrested Saturday after the body of 46-year-old Gail Cleavenger was found buried under the shelter of a church. close.

Investigators say the boy killed him after arguing about his grades at school.

Chitwood said the boy was facing murder charges.

After the murder, the authorities said the boy had called two 17-year-old friends to help make it seem like someone had burgled the house.

The boy first told the MPs that his mother had disappeared.

The boy's friends face numerous charges, the authorities said.

– Associated Press


School staff on leave for offensive costumes

Fourteen Idaho school district staff dressed in caricature Mexican outfits and a frontier wall bearing the Make America Great Again acronym were put on paid administrative leave.

Middleton School District Superintendent Josh Middleton announced the decision Saturday at a special meeting of the school board.

School Board Chair Tim Winkle said the costumes were part of a team building activity after school hours.

The photos were posted on the school district's Facebook page Thursday night and then removed, but screen shots captured images that became viral.

The school district, located about 34 km west of Boise, offers a migrant education program.

– Associated Press

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