Teenager laughs while killing friend in high school class, says police


The 17-year-old high school student who stabbed her friend four times in a classroom Wednesday laughed, smiled and said, "I'm going to kill you" while she was chasing the victim with a steak knife. .

Tanaya L. Lewis, a former Fitzgerald High School student in Warren, is now charged with first degree murder and imprisoned without bail pending trial.

The victim, 16-year-old Danyna Gibson, also a senior at Fitzgerald High School in Warren, was injured in the chest and back. Warren Police Inspector Donald Seidel said his heart and lungs were flat on September 14th.

Lewis appeared in court via a video stream from the police department of the Warren Police Station on Friday. It was expected that she would be transported to Macomb County Jail after the indictment.

Lewis, without warning, approached Gibson during class and stabbed her twice in the chest, Seidel said. Gibson tried to flee Lewis and was stabbed in the back, which made him fall to the ground. At that moment, Lewis punched Gibson while she was lying on the floor, according to Seidel. The final wound pierces Gibson's lung.

"The defendant was chased out of class by the teacher, the accused then tried to get around the teacher to get into the classroom, shouting" I'm going to kill her, "said Warren police inspector. .. The witnesses said (Lewis) was smiling and laughing as she was pursuing the victim. "

According to the prosecution, there were more than 20 witnesses.

Macomb County District Attorney Eric B. Smith said that there is sufficient evidence that Lewis came to school on Wednesday morning with the intention of killing Gibson.

No clear grounds had been provided, but police said there seemed to be a dispute about a boy who also attended high school. The girls, the two students of honor, were friends before the attack, the investigators said.

"It was something as simple as the victim being friend with a boy, and we are not talking about relationships or anything like that," Smith said. "It's the kind of high school stuff that all of us have gone through … and the fact that it happened this way is amazing to me.

"… you know, our victim did not hang out on the streets … she was a wonderful girl who did everything you wanted from your daughter."

Lewis "committed the most horrible crime," said the prosecutor.

Lewis' lawyer, Mark Brown, declined to comment after the hearing.

Smith said the parents of the accused and the victim's father-in-law attended the court appearance on September 14th.

Lewis, wearing a white jumpsuit with short hair and frosted spikes, showed little emotion and answered "yes", softly, when Suzanne L. Faunce, judge in the 37th arrondissement, asked her if, if she were found guilty, she would spend the rest of her life in prison.

Wildlife has scheduled a likely cause hearing on October 4th.

Smith said the attack was so abrupt and unexpected that students, who are often quick to record dramatic events with their cell phones, have not had time to capture the incident.

Students and staff at Fitzgerald High School held a vigil and the liberation of the balloons in honor of Gibson on Thursday, September 13th.

School administrators provided counseling services to those in need.

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