Teenager uses sign language to communicate with a blind and deaf man during the flight


A 15 year old is widely commended for his act of kindness during a cross-country flight.

Clara Daly was traveling with her mother Jane from Boston to Los Angeles on an Alaska Airlines flight earlier this week. During the six-hour flight that included a stopover in Portland, Oregon, Clara offered her sign language skills to help a blind and deaf man by forming letters with his fingers while he was there. "read" with his hands.

Clara told CNN that a flight attendant asked the aircraft speaker if anyone knew sign language. The teenager, who studied communication techniques in American Sign Language and says that she was "always fascinated by sign language," pressed the call button to call a flight attendant.

The flight attendants were looking for someone who could communicate with Tim Cook, a blind man and deaf man who was traveling to Portland after visiting his sister in Boston.

Clara used fingerpelling to help Cook throughout the flight.

"I went to [Cook] a total of three times, one time to give him some water, another to tell him the time, and the last hour of the flight to talk to him, "says Clara.

During their conversation, where Clara had to sign each letter in every word so that Cook could feel his hands, the teenager learned Cook's past as a salesman, and he questioned her about his life.

"We talked about our family in Massachusetts and he asked me about my plans for my future," said Clara.

Clara's generosity did not go unnoticed. A passenger named Lynette Scribner took a picture of one of the times Clara was communicating with Cook and shared it on Facebook. The message has been shared nearly 500,000 times.

"There are still good people who are ready to watch each other," Scribner wrote.

Alaska Airlines also took note. In a blog post, the airline quoted one of the flight attendants, who said:[Cook] was very excited to have someone he could talk to, "adding that Clara was" an angel ".

The airline said Cook was residing in an elderly community and that a facility service provider had met him at the door after the arrival of the flight to Portland.

Clara, who lives in Calabasas, California, says the reaction on social media has been "extraordinarily beautiful."

"I hope it helps others to realize that in the world we live in, everyone has a duty to help each other, no matter what happens," she added.

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