Teens know social media is manipulative, but are using it more anyway


Whoa, the teens really are woke.

The organization Common Sense Media released a research report on social media plays in teens' lives. Social Media, Social Life, social media, social media, social media, social media, social media, social media, social media and more.

Teens' social media use has increased by 36 percentage points since 2012. Unsurprisingly, their favorite apps are Snapchat and Instagram (Facebook is for communicating "with my grandparents" – not even parents, now … ouch).

<img class = "no-microcontent" data-credit-name = "common sense media "data-credit-provider =" custom type "data-caption =" Device use has skyrocketed. "title =" Device use has skyrocketed. "src =" https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/9nWw5XUOvUhv7m39MBA5sP1PVc0 = / fit-in / 1200×9600 / https% 3A% 2F% 2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com% 2Fuploads% 2Fcard% 2Fimage% 2F843094% 2F2c893b1d-7a40-4a9c-9aa6-8b7963e3acfe.png "alt =" Device use has skyrocketed.”/>

Device use has skyrocketed.

Picture: common sense media

Sorry, Facebook.

Sorry, Facebook.


Beyond broad-scale usage, the findings of young people in the context of social media, and the role of the apps play in their lives, is complicated and sometimes contradictory.

"Kids are much more aware today than they have been a few years ago of both the pros and the downsides of social media," Jim Steyer, Founder and CEO of Common Sense Media said on a call with press. "But they are more aware of some of the dangers of some of their emotional and personal wellbeing."

Common Sense Media is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping parents navigate the 21st century. The organization commissioned the survey from a research group, which surveyed a "nationally representative" sample of 1,141 13- to 17-year-olds in the United States. Further, Common Sense Conducted a similar survey in 2012, and was able to compare how teens' attitudes toward and behavior have changed over the recent years for social media.

The affects of social media and smartphones have been the focus of many studies and articles in recent years. Much of the discourse has centered around social media addiction, stilted social skills, and, notably, increased feelings of isolation and depression. However, Common Sense's report does not paint as bleak a picture.

The Common Sense is showing that social media is playing an increasing, but neutral majority, role in kids' lives. A majority of teens self-reported that it did not affect their moods, behavior, or relationships positively or negatively – and a greater percentage of teens in the 2018 study said it has a positive affect on them than in the 2012 study.

"Kids are used to social media now," Steyer said. "That's why they accept it as part of their life, and do not really feel one way or the other."

Many more teens say social media affects them positively than negatively. But most say it has no effect.

Many more teens say social media affects them positively than negatively. But most say it has no effect.


Have teens really put the social back in social media?

Have teens really put the social back in social media?


Other findings show that more mature attitudes are not necessarily correlated to more intentional behavior. Teens are aware of the way social media can manipulate them: 72 percent think social media companies intentionally work to keep eyeballs on their platform. Yet 70 percent of teens report that they use social media multiple times a day; 16 percent are on it "almost constantly." Additionally, most preferred communicating via text over all forms of communication – including face to face.

"Kids are finding it difficult to get their devices down," Sierra Filucci, Common Sense's Executive Editor said. "They're struggling with it in the same way we're all struggling with it."

<img class = "no-microcontent" data-credit-name = "COMMON SENSE MEDIA
"data-credit-provider =" custom type "data-caption =" Teens are using social media even when they do not want to be. " "src =" https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/N78MKVvYQ6SAeD9c-kf156gpK14=/fit-in/1200×9600/https%3A%2F%2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fuploads%2Fcard%2Fimage % 2F843113% 2Fbbe7cf6c-4f73-48af-8be7-64798a57209f.png "alt =" Teens are using social media even when they do not want to be.”/>

Teens are using social media even when they do not want to be.


Emoji or bust.

Emoji or bust.


One of the report's authors, Vicky Rideout, attributes what she called the "tremendous" increase of social media use (70 percent up from 34 percent in 2012) to the growing amount of people who have a smart phone. She was also encouraged by the positive impact of social media on their lives, even among the most "vulnerable" groups.

"Teens who are more likely to be social and emotional, are the ones who are more likely to have negative responses to social media," Rideout said. "But they are still more vulnerable, they are still more likely to say that they are more positive than negative experiences."

As Steyer pointed out, this report surveyed a generation of true digital natives; The oldest participants were born in the year 2000. The fact that social media and smartphones have been baked into their lives, and not a disruption, might be more nuanced relationship with the platforms. They both enjoy and rely on them, but understand the pitfalls, and the fact that these companies exist to make money.

With that attitude, the kids might just be all right.

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