"Ten feet of blood": Kayaker remembers helping a teenager attacked by a shark in California


A teenager is recovering this morning from a vicious shark attack in Southern California. Thirteen-year-old Keane Hayes is the first shark victim in Encinitas, the famous seaside town for 30 years.

Hayes suffered traumatic injuries when a shark attacked him on Saturday while he was a lobster diver.

Chad Hammel was kayaking nearby when he heard her shout, "There is probably ten feet of blood behind him, and he panics, he drops on my kayak and his whole collarbone and back are exposed."

Rescue teams transported Hayes to a rescue helicopter on Saturday. He was declared in critical condition after being bitten by what witnesses said was a shark about 10 feet long.

Hayes has been upgraded Sunday from "critical" to "serious". He should recover completely.

"It appears from the description that this was just bad luck," said marine biologist Chris Lowe, director of the University of California at Shark Lab in Long Beach. He works with city officials to determine if the shark was a big white.

"Ten feet is still a young man, he would be a big kid," said Dr. Lowe. "The right shark [mistook] this person for potential prey and took a bite. "

There has been no shark attack on this beach since 2008, reports Mireya Villarreal, CBS News correspondent. He comes two weeks after 26 year old man killed by shark off Cape Cod in Massachusetts, the first fatality of the state in 80 years.

Scientists say sharks are attracted to warmer-than-average waters closer to shore, increasing the danger on both coasts. The United States has experienced more unprovoked shark attacks than any other country in 2017 – 53 across the country, 31 in Florida alone.

Dr. Lowe said, "We could start meeting sharks in places where we've never met them before. [shark] people are recovering, people could start meeting them. "

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