Tennessee has gone through a brutal stretch and may well finish strong


Do not look now at friends, but Tennessee might be playing a bowl game. After beating Kentucky pretty easily, 24-7, the Vols missed five wins in two games. Nothing is certain, but a cup game for Pruitt in his first year would be a big deal and outperformed pre-season forecasts and general expectations.

Tennessee does not boast of the general production you were hoping for, as a result of a youth movement, and as the fall was so drastic last year, the Vols are only 79th in S & P + this year. I could see something closer to the top 50 with the right breaks, but in either case, the goal is simply to reach a bowl. UT is a projected favorite in three games and an outsider of a possession in four others. Getting to six is ​​not impossible.

With Kentucky, the road map was clear. If you keep them below the 3 yard mark per race, you win (unless you are in Missouri, in which case you will lose after a rest period after the settlement). The Wildcats were quick to win 3.9 yards adjusted on the bag, but Tennessee changed the state of play at halftime taking advantage and forcing the Cats to continue the game. Pruitt had his defense ready to stop the Cats, and held them at only 3.6 per game.

Pruitt has demonstrated his ability to create creative blitz packages like this one. And when you're 17, you can really say peace to your opponent.

Tennessee shows fights late in the season. That's more than we can expect for a team ravaged at the end of last season. Tennessee sailed on a tough four game stretch by amassing a 1: 3 record (against South Carolina in a close defeat, Alabama, Georgia and Auburn). They will not play in the playoffs so soon, but they really hope to be in the post-season with Missouri and Vanderbilt in front of them. Win one and the Flights play bowling.

It's there that I tell you not to do more than what it is.

C & # 39; a the football team gradually improving during a season. They won a game against Auburn earlier this season, and they beat a very good Kentucky team. They almost beat South Carolina, and the game against Florida was a bit difficult due to six turnovers. The Flights are in a good place at the moment, and that may very well mean nothing long term.

Neither Tennessee nor Jeremy Pruitt did much to get the slightest doubt out of the question. You will remember: Derek Dooley had a first season of 2-6 before winning his first season, before winning a victory.

This can go very badly in the future, but for now, the Flights are doing well.

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