Teresa Giudice's daughters defend father Joe Giudice against deportation


The girls of Joe Giudice, Gia and Milania, defend their father while he is facing deportation. Last Wednesday, the Ministry of Justice confirmed to AND that an immigration judge ordered that Giudice be removed from the United States. and deported to Italy after serving his prison sentence for fraud. He had 30 days to appeal the decision.

On Sunday, Gia Giudice, daughter of Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice and Joe Giudice, wrote on Instagram that their family needed their father to come home after his release from prison. She said that the time spent in prison by her father should be enough to punish her crimes.

"We have so many family projects when he comes out," she wrote. "I need my dad to be here." "My father belongs with us and his entire family." My dad arrived in this country at the age of one year.The United States is the only country that 39 he knows, pass the word #bringjoehome. " Gia is 17 years old.

Gia's younger sister, Milania, 13, said, "We have not finished fighting for daddy, I can not believe it's happening, I can not imagine another day without you. "

Meanwhile, Teresa posted an illustration of the Statue of Liberty, her head in her hands, as well as a legend with prayer emojis.

Joe Giudice is currently serving a 41-month prison sentence for mail, wire and bankruptcy fraud. He must be released in 2019.

The two Giudices have spent time behind bars. Teresa was released after nearly a year in December 2015. According to ET, she hopes to win the call and Joe will be able to stay with his family. The couple has four girls together.

"Deportation has always been a family concern, but now it's a harsh reality," the source told ET. "Even though Teresa said that she would live in Italy with Joe in the past, that probably will not happen, her father being in the United States, as well as her family and friends." If Joe does not win not the call, his relationship with Teresa is in question ".

According to a second source, the expulsion decision is a cruel reality for the couple.

"This news was a blow to Teresa and Joe," the source told ET. "They talked to their lawyers several times about the possibility of Joe being deported, but they did not really believe that day would come in. For the most part, Teresa and Joe were able to weather the storm, but that time it seems like they can not get out of it. "

Speaking about her husband last year, Teresa told ET: "I want us to always be together, it's life that counts … He has to do what's right when he gets home and to improve himself, what he should do, and we will do it together, as a family. "

Joe was born in Italy and moved to the United States at the age of 1 year. He and Teresa speak Italian and still have family members in Sala Consilina, in southwestern Italy.

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