Terry Crews takes the high road after 50 Cent Mocks his claim of sexual assault


Terry Crews

50 Cent ignoring a big fact

About the sexual assault

26/06/2018 13:07 PDT


Terry Crews refuses to fight back 50 centimes with insults after the rapper has trolled his sexual assault case against a Hollywood agent – instead, he drops facts.

We had Terry in D.C. on Tuesday and asked him how he felt about 50 making fun of him on Instagram. He took the high road, saying that he loves 50 and listens to his music when he works.

With regard to the 50th raw mem posted – suggesting that it's not possible for Crews to be sexually assaulted Because he's tall and muscular – Terry had a direct message to him, explaining why Fiddy was far from the base.

Crews was on Capitol Hill Tuesday to testify for the Senate Judiciary Committee on his experience with sexual assault. As we reported, he became emotional explaining why he did not respond physically when the WME Talent Agent Adam Venit allegedly groping his genitals.

We broke the story … the L.A. City Attorney's Office rejected the case of sexual assault against Venit because Crews' allegation had fallen outside the statute of limitations. Terry still has a waiting civil suit against him although.

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