Terry Rossio, writer of "Shrek", calls himself "anti-Vax" to "N-Word"


Hollywood screenwriter Terry Rossio faced an online reaction on Friday after he used a racist insult in a Twitter message about vaccines, several media reports said.

Rossio, 58, aroused anger after claiming that calling someone who was against "Anti-Vax" vaccinations amounted to "calling someone" the word-N. He also explained the very offensive connection in his tweet.

That "has little meaning," added Rossio, whose credits include box office hits "Shrek", "Aladdin" and the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise.

For the record, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "anti-vaxxer" as "a person who opposes vaccination or the laws that impose it".

Rossio's comment followed a message from "The 100" writer Julie Benson, calling on people to donate money to UNICEF's polio immunization program on behalf of their loved ones anti-vax :

Rossio's response immediately aroused the irritation of his fellow tweeters, who called him to racism and the promotion of the widely-denied conspiracy theory that childhood vaccines can cause autism.

It should be noted that, in 2016, Rossio would have obtained film rights from a book of the disgraced British doctor, Andrew Wakefield, whose study, according to the 1990s, revealed a link between childhood vaccines and autism, which contained falsified data. retracted.

Even Dictionary.com is attached to:

Meanwhile, Benson responded to Rossio and, in their round trips, asked him to "never come back on my wire with the word".

Rossio has not offered any other comments on the tweet or the exchange.

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