Tesla battery reactivated twice after fatal accident in Florida: report


The battery of a Tesla Model S has been relaunched twice as a result of a violent accident that killed two teenagers and injured another in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, according to a report released Tuesday by federal investigators . This is another example of a Tesla vehicle's battery fire in the hours or days following a fatal accident.

The S model was traveling at 116 mph when it crashed against a wall surrounding a residence on the evening of May 8, the National Traffic Safety Board (NTSB) said in its two-page preliminary report. The car went on ahead and hit the wall a second time on the south side of an alley. Several witnesses reported that the Tesla caught fire after the second collision.

Firefighters arrived at the scene to find the S model engulfed in the flames. They turned it off using up to 300 gallons of water and foam. A small portion of the vehicle's lithium-ion battery was ejected during the crash and, although there was no visible fire, the firefighters lightened it. have sprayed with water and foam.

As the car was loaded to be removed from the scene, the battery was turned back on and quickly extinguished. Upon arrival at the storage yard, the battery caught fire again and was extinguished again. The NTSB officials have not given any reason to the battery fires.

This is not the first time that a Tesla vehicle battery has caught fire as a result of an accident. The battery of a Model X SUV that crashed in Mountain View, California earlier this year suddenly caught fire again five days later at the pound.

More recently, actress Mary McCormack posted a video of the Tesla Model S of her husband engulfed in flames, although she had not been involved in any accidents. At the time, Tesla called the fire "extraordinarily unusual" and said he was investigating his case.

A spokesman for the company declined to comment. Tesla recently rolled out a new speed-limiting feature as part of its latest live software update, which allows vehicle owners to set a maximum speed between 50 and 90 mph. Tesla dedicated the feature to the son of a Tesla owner who died in the Fort Lauderdale accident.

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