Tesla has not yet started to develop a time machine:


Illustration: Jason Torchinsky (Jalopnik)

Tesla has been quite busy lately trying to speed up the production of the Model 3 sedan while addressing the countless controversies that CEO Elon Musk has gathered on Twitter. It also has a number of products under development: a semi, a new Roadster, an all-electric crossover, a van (perhaps). One thing we do not work on? A machine to go back in time does not again, C & # 39; is.

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In connection with a criminal investigation, an investigation into securities fraud, numerous lawsuits against Musk for unfounded bashing of a pedophile, widespread problems related to the distribution from model 3 to consumers and over a legal wrangle with the National Labor Relations Board, which alleges that Tesla management violated federal labor laws.

Part of the NLRB's allegations include an allegation that Musk violated workers' right to organize when he tweeted in May that his employees would lose their purchase options if they organized a union. Last week, a judge allowed NLRB's claim on the stock option tweet to be included in the ongoing case against Tesla, which will resume Monday with a hearing in San Francisco.

Tesla wants the tweet's statement to be resolved separately from the current trial, and in a court ruling on Thursday, there is no reason for her to be involved in the ongoing case. But in doing so, he revealed a very Curious article on his plans for future products.

In the midst of jokes about when the court documents were filed with the court (BORING), the automaker said (emphasis on me):

Tesla is one of the most innovative companies in the world, but has not yet developed a machine to go back in time that the legal adviser requires.

If you think I'm joking, it's in writing, people:

NLRB deposit
Screen capture: NLRB

Interesting. So, that means a time machine East in development? Is this the reason why Tesla's workforce has totaled 40,000 over time? A small army of engineers working hard on a time machine all the way? He did not again was developed, says Tesla, but is there one? Is it so difficult to make models 3 with all these employees when they work on a time machine?

I've asked a car manufacturer spokesperson what's going on here, but I have not had an answer yet. The message will be updated if a response is received.

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