Tesla is the most googlated car brand in the United States and the Bahamas



Published on November 17, 2018 |
by Matt Pressman

November 17, 2018 by Matt Pressman

Originally published on EVANNEX.

Online searches can say a lot about the car brands that are of most interest online. according to Car Buzz, "The Select Car Leasing Car Search and Sale website has just released the results of … a year of Google search data to find out which car brands were the most surveyed." And, apparently, "the tweets of Elon Musk win the 'SEO war' (as well as the Twitter race).

In the United States and Canada, Tesla is the number one automaker on Google in the past year. It is also the most popular car brand in Barbados, the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and the Caribbean. Turks and Caicos Islands. (Source: Select car rental)

Google's search results show that "Nowhere is the wind of change more evident than North America, where Tesla boasts a tremendous amount of research, worth more than $ 2 million in the United States and Canada. . Even considering Elon Musk, the leader on the front page of Tesla, few people could have predicted the heart of the planet of the world where cars are muscular and full of gas. [would be] turn his attention to [Tesla] in so many. "

That's right – Tesla has received the most searches on Google in the United States. and Canada in the last year. In Europe, however, German builders of the old guard still occupy the top spot in the rankings. Nevertheless, Tesla has received the largest number of Google searches (on any other manufacturer) in two European countries: Austria and Norway.

Tesla is also the most sought after automotive brand on Google in China, the United Arab Emirates, Macao, Hong Kong and Singapore. (Source: Select car rental)

Even though the United States and the European Union are key markets, the most disputed auto market is China. Tesla has received the largest number of Google searches for the world's largest automotive market.

But China is not the only Asian market to be interested in Tesla. Other countries, including Singapore and Macau, have spent most of their online car research in search of Tesla.

In some other regions, Tesla was once again the most sought-after car brand, including in some forward-looking countries. In Oceana, New Zealand did a search on Tesla more than any other car brand. And in the oil-rich Middle East, United Arab Emirates (UAE) citizens were also researching Tesla more than any other manufacturer on Google – which was not surprising, Tesla introducing new stores, service and superchargers in the area before neighboring countries.

On Reddit, the subreddit Tesla has more fans than any other subreddit of automakers (Reddit: suburella)

And it's not just Google searches where Tesla shines, the electric car manufacturer is also a popular brand on social networks. On Twitter, Tesla's Elon Musk has actually garnered more followers than Ford, Chevy and Chrysler combined – and its followers continue to grow. For his part, Musk is removed from Facebook (and Instagram), which could have a relationship with his tiff Mark Zuckerberg. In any case, according to the subdued user of Reddit, Tesla has the highest number of subscribers of all the subreddits of automobile brands.

Source: Car Buzz / Select Car Leasing

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Keywords: Elon Musk, Facebook, Google, Tesla

About the author

Matt Pressman is all about Tesla. He is a TSLA investor, has pre-ordered the Model 3 and loves to drive the company cars of the S and X families of the family. Co-founder of EVANNEX, a family-owned business specializing in Tesla aftermarket accessories, he has been a collaborator / publisher of the Electric Vehicle Vehicle University (EVU) and Owning Model S books and Getting Ready for Model 3. He writes daily on Tesla and you can follow his work on the blog EVANNEX.

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