Tesla launches model 3 of $ 35,000 after rebate


Tesla finally offers a cheaper version of its model 3 electric car.

The Tesla group, Tesla's president, announced Thursday on Twitter that the company had released and was taking orders for a "low-cost, mid-range" version of its vehicle. The base price will be $ 45,000. But in California it will cost $ 35,000 after federal and state tax deductions, Musk said.

Tesla plans to begin deliveries in about four months, said a representative of the company.

The new mid-range version of the model 3 includes a single engine, a rear-wheel drive and a battery pack with a range of 260 km. The high-performance, long-range versions each have two-wheel-drive and dual-engined engines and batteries that run for 500 km.

Musk added that Tesla had set up a new web page to take control of the less expensive model 3. On this page, customers can choose one of three versions of Model 3 – the high-end version, the long-range range one version, and the new mid-range battery variant.

New Tesla Model 3 order page.
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To date, the company only offered more expensive versions of the car. The 3 Performance model, for example, has a base price of $ 64,000 before adding options – and this before the tax incentives, but it does not include features such as Driver "Autopilot" of the company, that many customers choose. to add.

Tesla still does not make the model 3 for the masses

Tesla first introduced Model 3 as the car that it would mass produce and would be sold to mainstream consumers after first making luxury vehicles in the S and X models. This promise It allowed him to attract more than 400,000 pre-orders for the vehicle. But Tesla struggled to increase production on the 3 model and initially focused on making high-end versions.

Even the new version, however, does not fulfill the promises of the company. Musk said the company plans to offer a version of the car whose base price will be only $ 35,000, before tax incentives. Although he has promised that model 3 will be released by the end of the year, some experts in the automotive industry doubt that he will do it.

Achieving this price goal is important because federal tax incentives – worth up to $ 7,500 per car – are expected to begin to decline in January. When they do, the amount that customers will actually pay for a model 3 will be much closer to the vehicle's list price.

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