Tesla produces 7,000 cars in 7 days


 tesla model 3 5000 per week

Posted on [1er juillet 2018] on 1 July 2018 |
by Steve Hanley

1 July 2018 by Steve Hanley

Tesla will publish his official production figures later this week. Elon Musk estimated for the world that his company would build 5,000 model 3 sedans a week by the end of the second quarter, which would end at midnight on June 30. In fact, she achieved this goal, but not before 5 am on July 1 but that did not stop the Fremont factory workers from signing a giant banner commemorating the event – or a event close, as the case may be.

What difference does 5 hours make?

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Credit: Reddit

Reuters reports that he spoke with two Tesla factory workers who claim the final quality checks on the last of the cars were completed only 5 hours after the deadline. Elon Musk sent an email to all Tesla employees in the afternoon of July 1st, claiming that he had achieved his model 3 goal. This email, which was confirmed by Reuters , indicates that the company plans to build 6,000 Model 3s per week by the end of July.

Will it make a difference for investors betting against Tesla? company actually missed its goal of a few hours? We will know when the stock market will open Monday morning. It seems that investors are the only ones to worry about this stuff. Those who have a reserve for a model 3 are kidding if their cars are late for 5 hours.

Extraordinary Measures

Reuters has more information on some of the extraordinary measures taken by the company to accelerate the production of model 3. We all know that Tesla has built a third line of Model 3 production inside a giant tent installed in a factory parking lot in Fremont, California, but that 's only part of it. history. According to the New York Times, company leaders recently approved a plan proposed by its engineers to eliminate 300 spot welds under model 3 deemed unnecessary in order to speed up production .

There are a lot of small changes happening on the assembly line all the time. A report from The Verge indicates that the company was having difficulty inserting a bolt correctly into the rear brake until the bolt was redesigned to facilitate insertion. robot in the appropriate hole.

Charles Mwangi, Tesla's Director of Body Engineering, told New York Times that the company sometimes takes robots to see what would happen if they were asked to run faster as specified by the manufacturer. "We are breaking them to see what the maximum limit is," he said, in an effort to increase the rate of production. If they can run the machines faster, "we can just call our equipment" instead of adding more machines to increase production in the future, says Mwangi.

When Elon Musk tweeted on the tent in the parking lot a few weeks ago, he said that the new assembly line was made from "scrap" found at the location of Fremont. But the Wall Street Journal reports that most new parts of the production line were recycled from an automated warehouse system that cost nearly $ 90 million before to be abandoned because it was not working as expected. ] The Verge points out that Tesla is the only one among car manufacturers to adjust and adapt its manufacturing facilities after the start of production. Most other companies follow elaborate procedures to ensure that the assembly line is operating as intended before regular production begins.

"This is a bold choice for a company that has had problems with quality control.And the results of the changes made today may not surface until thousands Other models are on the road, well beyond the moment we know if the company hit Musk's brands.It is also likely to be another dividing line.The experts can say that this is a sign that Tesla is always learning on the fly, while business supporters will say that this proves a willingness to embrace new ideas, " The Verge receives its latest SEC deposit "Although we have done extensive internal testing of the products we manufacture, we currently have a limited frame of reference to assess the quality, reliability, durability and long-term performance of our batteries, powertrains and vehicles. . There can be no assurance that we will be able to detect and repair defects in our products prior to sale or installation to consumers. This is a rather surprising statement and not expressly shared with enthusiastic customers.

7 days

Almost all the news about the production of model 3 was lost, the fact that the company continues to produce its models S and X. Sunday afternoon, Musk tweeted that the total production of the company for the last week of June rose to 7,000 vehicles. "I think we've just become a real car company," Musk said in this email to employees.

 Musk Tweet "width =" 570 "height =" 181 "srcset =" https://cleantechnica.com/files/ 2018/07 / Musk-Tweet-7-1-18-570x181.png 570w , https://cleantechnica.com/files/2018/07/Musk-Tweet-7-1-18-270x86.png 270w, https://cleantechnica.com/files/2018/07/Musk-Tweet-7- 1-18-768x244.png 768w, https://cleantechnica.com/files/2018/07/Musk-Tweet-7-1-18.png 978w "sizes =" (max-width: 570px) 100vw, 570px

The question now is whether Tesla can continue to produce cars at new, higher production rates. "The company regularly engages in what's called" bursts "- temporary periods of production as fast as possible – that it uses to estimate how many cars it is capable of. to build over long periods of time, according to Reuters

So now, Tesla's observers will be resetting and waiting to see where the production of Model 3 will be in a month. per week are considered the threshold needed before Tesla starts making money on the models 3 that he builds. Business is starting to show a profit in the third quarter of 2018, which began at midnight last night.All eyes will be on Musk and Tesla to see if they can continue to accelerate the production of Model 3.

Elon could say that Tesla has just become a real business car, but that real car companies make profits. He is close, but not yet there. At midnight on September 30, we'll have a better idea if Tesla can really call a car company. Elon think this is now engraved in stone

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Tags: [EleonoreMuskEllaMuskTeslaTeslaModel3TeslaModel3productionYourWeeklyProduction

About the Author

Steve Hanley Steve writes about the interface between technology and the sustainability of his home in Rhode Island and everywhere else where the singularity can take it. His muse is Charles Kuralt – "I see the road turning, I wonder what's around the turn?"

You can follow him on Google + and on Twitter .

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