Tesla retires while another leader reportedly left


Tesla retires while another leader reportedly left


Stefan Wermuth / Bloomberg

Reports of another resignation from the executive fell slightly on Friday.

Where we were A number of leaders left Tesla recently.

Where we are going: Departures are not necessarily a bad thing, even if Tesla's high profile means they are exposed.

Another one who bites the dust: Liam O'Connor, You're here"S(TSLA), Vice President of Global Supply Management, reportedly resigned.

People close to the company said Bloomberg of departure, although Tesla has not yet commented. O'Conner, who has already worked at Apple(AAPL) has been with the company for more than three years, although he has lasted longer than the former chief accountant of Tesla, Dave Morton, who recently left his post after less than a month of work.

O'Connor would be the fifth leader to leave in a few weeks (and the short Tesla Jim Chanos says that at least 42 leaders left Tesla this year). The departures are made as CEO always frank Elon Musk Behaves a bit oddly (even by his standards) and faces a survey related to his tweet "go-private", among others.

So, is the exhaustion of C-suite bad news? Well, it may not be very pretty at first sight. Yet it can also be a catalyst for change. A study of 2017 by Marta Dominguez-CC and Carman Barroso-Castro in the Journal of Management and Organization analyzed 10 companies and found that the change of direction precedes the strategic change, and that the "reorganization of the management team, even without the succession of the CEO, was a sufficient condition for strategic changes to have place".

A study of the same year by Jay J. Janney and Steve Gove Posted in Business and society examined the fallout from the 2006 options backdating scandal. Although clearly different from Tesla's current situation, the revelation of the antedate resulted in many departures of leaders, allowing the authors to examine whether management staff has helped bring together or create greater uncertainty. In the end, they found that the market's reaction to departures may be negative, but the departure of a CEO or CEO will improve the market's response.

Of course, many executives can come and go, but Musk remains at the center of attention: he has become more controversial in recent months, but he is far from being the only one to act. The real question for investors is whether the benefits it brings to Tesla outweigh the recent drawbacks (and without a calmer stabilizing force in the C suite to counterbalance it, this issue becomes more urgent).

Yet Janney and Gove's study also showed that "by shaping who and how leaders move away, companies can amplify or mitigate the damage caused by outrageous events. the investor must decide whether the company should strive to manipulate optics or whether its resources are better used elsewhere.

Tesla is down 0.2% to $ 297.61 this morning.

To make the connection

Another bear says Tesla is heading for a dead end.

Still, the values ​​remain solid, citing solid fundamentals, as well as the hundreds of thousands of people who want to buy a model 3.

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