Tesla Roadster from Elon Musk went through Mars


Elon Musk's car travels through the solar system. SpaceX, the firm behind this project, unveiled Saturday an image showing how the "Starman" Musk Red Musk Roadster, launched on a Falcon Heavy in February, has crossed the bar of Mars and should return to its current trajectory.

On this photo provided by SpaceX, a Tesla roadster launched from the Falcon Heavy rocket with a dummy pilot named "Starman". goes to Mars.
On this photo provided by SpaceX, a Tesla roadster launched from the Falcon Heavy rocket with a dummy pilot named "Starman". goes to Mars.

This update recalls that eight months after the launch of the car in space, the company is still embarking on a dramatic adventure. The initial mission sent Musk's personal electric car in space, with a mannequin equipped with a spacesuit in the driver's seat and "Space Oddity" by David Bowie playing in a loop. On the dashboard is a reference to Guide to the hitchhiker of the galaxy in the form of a sticker "Do not Panic". The car also includes a "5D quartz laser storage device … a high-tech data storage unit capable of surviving in the hostile environment of space", storing software from Isaac Asimov Foundation trilogy of books.

See more: SpaceX Launches Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" Books in Deep Space

The website WhereIsRoadster.com, developed by Ben Pearson, the nerd of space described as such, shows that the car is currently about 179 million kilometers from the Earth and is moving away at a speed of about 35 000 km / h . The website also indicates with humor that the car has exceeded its 36,000 km warranty approximately 10,000 times during its journey around the sun, totaling 370 million km. It's enough to travel 16 times all the roads in the world.

The successful Falcon Heavy test flight marked the start of operations for the world's most powerful rocket, with the ability to deliver a payload of 140,700 pounds in low Earth orbit and 58,900 pounds in geostationary orbit. The whole weighs over three million pounds, about the same as 316 hippos.

The SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket takes off from Launchpad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center on February 6, 2018 in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The rocket is the most powerful rocket in the world and carries a Tesla Roadster in orbit.
Joe Raedle / Getty Images

The BFR rocket is expected to soon outclass the rocket, which is expected to begin jumping tests at the Boca Chica site next year, in anticipation of a Mars mission.

With "Starman" orbiting the sun once every 557 days, the next rocket jump test could take place even before the car completes a complete orbit.

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