Tesla Roadster's performance cited by Elon Musk is "conservative"


We were shocked to learn at the end of last year that there is a new Tesla Roadster on the way. We were almost speechless when CEO Elon Musk began making statements that he could reach 60 mph in less than two seconds. Now, a company test pilot claims that the insane numbers we promised were only "conservative" estimates.

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In a video posted on VINwiki's YouTube page and recently retrieved by ELECTrek, test driver Emile Bouret talks about his time testing the next Tesla Roadster. The Roadster electrical conversation starts around the four-minute mark:

After some fun stories about his work with Tesla on the development of the Model S, he talks about his experiences at the announcement of the new Roadster, as well as the development after the car.

Here's Emile's quote in response to skepticism about Tesla's claims that the new Roadster will go from 0 to 100 km / h in 1.9 seconds, reach 100 mph in 4.2 seconds, complete the quarter-mile in 8.8 seconds with a range of 620 miles and a top speed of over 250 km / h:

I know that there is some skepticism about the numbers that Elon quoted that day.


I think it's safe to say that these are real numbers. These are not theories. These are not calculations. We made these numbers. And I probably should not say that the numbers are even conservative, but they are. This thing is going to be an appropriate weapon.

So I know that there are a lot of skeptics. People say, "Oh, yes, but I'll be dead before it comes out." Have faith.

Emile also mentioned that, although he was the Roadster roadshipper's driver at the event announced last November, he had problems with Tesla for posting a video of his driving on his Instagram. . I do not know why they would want to hide how crazy this car would be. I'm sure we'll know more soon.

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