Tesla Shaken by Quick Exit Management and Elon Musk's Pot Smoke


Since the privatization attempt was abandoned, some investors have remained on the sidelines while Musk continues to attract attention, often as a result of impulsive impulses on Twitter.

"It's time Tesla and Elon Musk grow up," said analyst Michelle Krebs on Friday at Autotrader. "The company is in trouble and it seems like the board and the investors have to start talking about how the company is run. Maybe behaving in this way is cool for some people, but doing it while running the company with other people's money is really not cool. "

A spokesman for the company, Dave Arnold, made no comment.

Earlier this week, Musk made a second, baseless series of allegations against Vernon Unsworth, the British diver involved in the rescue operation in a cave that rescued a group of Thai schoolchildren in July, which he had called a "pedo guy".

Mr. Musk did not mention the incident in his interview on Mr. Rogan's podcast, which lasted more than two hours. He seemed comfortable, sipping whiskey, and talked, at one point, about artificial intelligence and how it could not be controlled.

"You have to be optimistic about the future," said Mr. Musk, director of the SpaceX and Tesla private rockets company. "You must not be pessimistic. I prefer being optimistic and false than pessimistic and just.

Mr Musk explained what it was like to be in his head, calling "a mutation" that leads to a constant flow of ideas that makes him invent things.

"At first I thought I was crazy," he said.

When asked about his activity on Twitter, he stated that he was trying to ignore the negativity on the platform and then described his behavior as being "more balanced, better than bad."

"But there are certainly problems," he added. "Then I hope the good outweighs the bad."

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