Tesla will double its Supercharger capacity in 2019 – BGR


Anxiety of the range was a legitimate concern among potential buyers of Tesla. And with good reason, no one wants to be stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no load and no load in sight. To address this concern, Tesla began a few years ago, cleverly deploying a network of charging stations allowing Tesla owners to recharge their vehicle in a relatively short time.

In recent years, Tesla's Supercharger network has expanded considerably worldwide. As a reference, in 2014 Tesla set up 221 Supercharger stations. By 2018, the number of Supercharger stations has increased to 1,375. However, Tesla still does not intend to reduce its deployment of Supercharger stations, especially since many Tesla vehicles are currently on the road thanks to the popularity of the model 3.

In light of this, Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently said that the electric carmaker was considering significantly expanding its Supercharger network. Musk said Tesla's Supercharger network is expected to double by the end of 2019. Musk added that 95% to 100% of people living in "active markets" will be "within range" of a charging station. next year. By Tesla's website, the company now has 1,375 Supercharger stations worldwide, with 11,414 individual superchargers.

In addition, nothing beats that Tesla plans to launch, next year, a next-generation version of its Supercharger network that will reload vehicles much faster.

Incidentally, with the explosion in the number of Teslas on the road, Tesla ended this year with free billing for new buyers of S and X models.

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