Testosterone replacement therapy may be able to slow the progression of COPD


Washington: Ultimately, testosterone replacement therapy could possibly slow the progression of persistent obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

COPD is a persistent inflammatory lung disease that causes obstruction of the airways of the lungs. By 2030, the World Organization is expected to be the third leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Low testosterone levels in men with COPD can worsen their situation. Men with COPD recover from shortness of breath and usually steal drug-based steroids for a prolonged period of time, two factors that increase their risk of low testosterone levels.

"An outdated review of the recovery suggested that testosterone replacement therapy could probably save a real manufacturing on the functioning of the lungs in men with COPD," said Jacques Baillargeon of the College of Texas Clinical Branch in Galveston.

Non-bias once became to save whether or not testosterone replacement therapy reduces the risk of respiratory hospitalizations in middle men and older men with COPD.

"We came across the fact that testosterone users had a greater decrease in respiratory hospitalizations compared to non-users. In particular, users of testosterone replacement therapies decreased by 4.2% compared to non-users and former users of testosterone replacement therapy decreased by 9.1% compared with non-users. " says Baillargeon.

"The results suggest that testosterone replacement therapy may also further slow the progression of the disease in men with COPD," he added.

The situation seems to be like in the review Continuous Respiratory Illness.
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