Testosterone replacement therapy may slow the progression of COPD


Washington: According to one study, testosterone replacement therapy may slow the progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

COPD is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes an obstruction of the lungs air. The World Health Organization predicts that this disease will be the third leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide by 2030. Low levels of testosterone are common in men with COPD and can worsen their condition. Men with COPD have shortness of breath and often take steroid-based medications for a prolonged period, which increases their risk of low testosterone levels.

"Previous studies have suggested that testosterone replacement therapy could have a positive effect on lung function in men with COPD," said Jacques Baillargeon of the University of Texas at Galveston School of Medicine. .

The purpose of this study was to determine whether testosterone replacement therapy reduces the risk of respiratory hospitalizations in middle-aged and elderly men with COPD.

"We found that respiratory hospitalizations decreased more strongly in testosterone users than non-users, specifically, users of middle-aged testosterone replacement therapy had a 4.2% decrease in hospitalizations compared to non-users and 9.1% decrease in hospitalizations compared to non-users, "said Baillargeon.

"The results suggest that testosterone replacement therapy may slow the progression of the disease in men with COPD," he added.

The study appears in the journal Chronic Respiratory Disease.

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