Texans should not sue Dez Bryant without Will Fuller



Rookie Keke Coutee is expected to remain the only wide receiver from Lufkin High School on the Texans' roster.

The Texans are not expected to pursue former Dallas Cowboys Pro Bowl wide receiver Dez Bryant, a mentor to Coutee who attended the same high school, in the wake of Will Fuller being declared out for the season with a torn anterior cruciate ligament.

Bryant has been out of work since being released by the Cowboys. He was offered a contract by the Baltimore Ravens, but declined. He has visited the Cleveland Browns, but remains unemployed while working out on his own and dealing with personal issues. He recently acknowledged having anxiety and depression.

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Texans coach Bill O'Brien was asked about Bryant, but was noncommittal on the veteran wide receiver.

“I would say my answer to that is we explore everything," O'Brien said. "I think that’s kind of the job, one of the main jobs of, obviously, [general manager] Brian (Gaine) and then he brings things to me and then we talk and we communicate.

"I would say we explore everything, including our own team. How can we use this guy in maybe another position? Or do this, can we do that? We look at our own team first in addition to looking at what’s going outside. That would be my general answer to that.”

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