The National Board of Education in Texas voted to drop several historical personalities, including Hillary Clinton, Barry Goldwater and Helen Keller, from the state-sponsored social studies program to "rationalize" materials for millions of public school students.

The decision to delete these numbers would not prevent them from teaching about them, only that it would not be mandatory.

Members of the volunteer task forces that made such recommendations to the council said the state required children to learn too many historical characters.

The elimination of Clinton from the required program will allow teachers to save 30 minutes of instruction time, an estimated task force and the elimination of Keller will save 40 minutes, according to Dallas Morning News reports.

The Board's tentative decision on Friday, due to be voted on in November after a period of public reaction, is affecting 5.4 million students in Texas public schools. Elected council members represent specific geographic areas of the state.

Barbara Cargill, a Texas Republican and board member of 15 people, told the Dallas Morning News that "the recommendation to eliminate Helen Keller and Hillary Clinton was made by working groups (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) ".

"However, the council voted in favor of the recommendations of the working groups," she noted. "When talking to teachers and testers, they did not mention these specific deletions."

The council, dominated by the Republicans, also tentatively approved the reinstatement of language, eliminated by a committee, referring to Moses in the lessons on the founding of America. After an outcry from Conservatives and Governor Gregg Abbott, the council also voted in favor of restoring references to "heroism" in studies on the Battle of Alamo, a sacred event of the day. Texas history.

The Texas Tribune described the committee as "heroic," in reference to the battle, after Texas Monthly magazine published an article on the debate, but called on Texans to contact their members in education. members to "stop political correctness in our schools".

In addition, the board of directors voted in favor of an obligation for students to explain how the "Arab rejection of the state of Israel led to a conflict in course "in the Middle East.

High school students in Texas were asked to learn about Hillary Clinton after the former first lady made history in 2016 as the first female candidate for the presidency of a major political party. deaf-blind to obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Goldwater, the Republican presidential candidate of 1964, was named as the first candidate for the Jewish presidency belonging to a major party and the main architect of the modern conservative movement.

With respect to the historical characters to be included in the compulsory curriculum, one of the main considerations was whether the individual came from an underrepresented gorp or triggered a decisive change.

Clinton would have scored five points on the 20-point ranking ladder and Keller would have scored seven.

In June, a committee, following the council's instructions, rescinded the recommendation of a different committee to remove Evangelist Billy Graham from the mandatory list, according to reports by Austin American-Statesman. Graham had scored four points on the rating scale.

The council has also softened the language on slavery as the cause of the civil war, the newspaper reports.

Although several Democrats wanted slavery to be considered the cause of the civil war, the council decided to keep sectionalism and state rights as "contributing factors" to the conflict. The council, however, added that the expansion of slavery was the central cause of the civil war.

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