Texas Democrats multiply in social media, but will that translate into votes? | 2018 Elections


WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump has changed the election with his use of social media. Mid-term candidates are stepping up their game, especially among Texas Democrats.

In October, the social media marketing group Socialbakers compiled data on all interactions on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for 65 House and 35 Senate races, including four in Texas. Interactions were based on how a supporter responded to a candidate's message, such as a comment, comment, or sharing. Some Instagram data could not be collected if a candidate was using a personal account, said his spokesman, Rich Mullikin.

The group looked at four races in Texas – the hotly contested race in the US Senate and the 7th, 23rd and 32nd congressional districts. The Dallas Morning News reviewed the data collected on Twitter and Facebook for Texas candidates.

Mullikin said that Socialbakers was one of the few groups to look into the 2016 presidential election and to see the number of additional interactions that Trump had compared to Hillary Clinton.

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