Texas economic strategist could swing to the left


The Republican strategist and former representative, Allen West (Fla.), Argues that the influx of large companies in Texas stimulates the state's economic growth but could also tilt it politically to the left.

West, a director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, congratulated the former governor Rick PerryJames Perler: Strength in Numbers: Diversification of the US Petrochemical Industry Strengthens Security EPA Unveils New Trump Plan Shaking Obama's Power Plant Rules (R-Texas) for bringing large companies to the state, but said that this could have unintended consequences.

"If you remember when Governor Rick Perry was talking to businesses to relocate to Texas because he has the right economic principles that have spurred this incredible growth," said Wednesday West Sexton, co-host of Hill.TV. .

West said the companies are moving workers from other parts of the country who are not as conservative as Texas.

"They come with their employees from other places like California or people who come from New York, New Jersey, Illinois, where we witness a financial disappearance and bring the same principles and values ​​that forced them to leave these states. "Said West.

Texas has the second largest economy in the country, but West is on tour to promote a book that will be released soon, claiming that this prosperity will lead to the fall of the state.

He pointed out that virtually all major cities in Texas are run by Democrats.

"It's a numbers game and when we look at Dallas, we look at Austin, we look at Houston, San Antonio, El Paso, Corpus Christi – the only big urban population center run by Republicans is Fort Worth," he said. said West.

The conservative strategist said the real test will be whether Sen. Ted CruzRafael (Ted) Edward CruzChaos reigns on the first day of Kavanaugh's auditions GOP's reaction to Trump tears up the Department of Justice's indictments: (R-Texas) will be able to win his reelection campaign against the Democratic Republic of Beto O'Rourke.

He thinks Cruz could find a much needed force in Governor Greg Abbott's re-election campaign against Democrat Lupe Valdez. The Texas governor holds a 14-point lead over the former Dallas County sheriff.

"The question will be whether Senator Cruz will be able to roll on these gibes of the race for the governorship or will it really be due to his lack of popularity," he said.

The Texas Senate race was much tighter than expected.

Emerson College issued a poll a few weeks ago showing O'Rourke at a point of Cruz, and the Cook Political Report has shifted the Texas Senate race to "lean Republican" from "probably Republican".

In the light of O'Rourke's growing momentum, Cruz calls on Trump's help – his main rival in the 2016 presidential election – to campaign on his behalf.

Trump said he planned to hold a "big rally" for Cruz in October in the "largest stadium in Texas we can find".

– Tess Bonn

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