Texas high school students will not graduate if they do not watch a video on how to interact with the police


A new law requires students in grades 9-12 to take a course, paired with a 16-minute video, to teach them how to deal with law enforcement during a roadside check .

Known as the Community Safety Education Act, Senate Bill 30 was passed by the 85th Texas Legislature to help ease tensions between police and students as a result of multiple police shootings on unarmed citizens in recent years. .
"We did not think we could stand idly by while these tragic incidents that undermine public confidence and mistrust of the forces of law and order continue unabated to save lives. lives, "said Senator Royce, author of the bill. West, said in a press release in 2017, when the bill was passed by the Texas Senate.

The video, released for the first time in September, begins with West, which explains what officials plan to do with the bill.

"The objective of the law was to define the behavior and expectations of citizens and law enforcement during road interactions," said West in the video, adding that he hoped that it would help to solve the problems of trust between citizens and the police.

"We are addressing this problem through training provided in academies, our law enforcement academies, our schools and our driver training programs," said West.

After the introduction, the video shows a re-enactment of students being stopped for speeding and the officers explaining what they should do next.

The re-enactment is followed by different students who ask questions about what they should do if they have to deal with law enforcement, the officers answering these questions.

Teachers receive guidance and advice

According to the State Board of Education, students must watch video to graduate and educators must follow detailed instructions to educate students about the video.

The guidelines include:

  • "The role of law enforcement and the duties and responsibilities of peace officers."
  • "Rights regarding interactions with peace officers."
  • "Appropriate behavior for civilians and law enforcement officers during interactions."
  • "How to file a complaint or a compliment on behalf of a peace officer."

Teachers are also counseled on how to deal with parents' questions or concerns about the classroom, as well as how to engage their students on the subject to improve their understanding.

CNN contacted the State and Western State Council for further comment.

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