Texas panhandle suffers a magnitude 4.0 earthquake near Amarillo, the latest in a tremor trend | Environment


Thousands of earthquakes have been recorded in Oklahoma in recent years, many of which are related to the underground injection of wastewater from oil and natural gas production. Scientists have also linked earthquakes in Kansas, Texas and other states to wastewater injection.

But it is too early to tell the cause of this earthquake, said a seismologist from Oklahoma.

"The cause of today [Texas] the earthquake is difficult to determine because there is a belt of natural seismicity and oil [and] Walter Jake in a tweet, adding that these types of earthquakes are not uncommon in central Texas, Panhandle.

The Oklahoma regulators have asked several state oil and gas producers to close injection wells and reduce volumes in others.

The Associated Press

Editor-in-Chief Anna Kuchment contributed to this report.

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