Texas woman accused of having children tied to car seats


A woman with a daycare in Texas is being held on charges of endangering children after she tied shoe laces around the necks of young children to help them restrain their car seats.

The allegations against Rebecca Anderson, aged 60, were made after last week by one of the parents of the authorities notified of a video obtained describing the alleged behavior, reported Tuesday the Washington Post.

In the video, Anderson was seen handing something in a syringe to his six-month-old son, grabbing and pulling the child's ankle while sitting in his car seat.

Authorities arrived at the woman's home on Friday and found several children in car seats hidden in a dark closet and a bathroom inside the house, the court records said.

According to an affidavit obtained by the Associated Press, Becky's Home Care children were tied in car seats for at least seven hours a day.

Some youth had "ligatures", which were laces, secure "around the neck," reported The Post.

The woman admitted to "attaching the ligatures to the victims in order to limit their movements and prevent them from reaching the locking mechanisms and being able to get out of their seats," the authorities said.

She also admitted to administering drugs "to stop them from crying and make it easier for them," said the authorities, initially refusing them.

Anderson was detained Sunday night in Dallas County Jail for multiple child endangerment charges.

Associated Press contributed to this report.

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