Thai rescuers search for other entrances to flooded caves


MAE SAI, Thailand – The rescuers dug a hole in the side of a mountain on Thursday in a desperate attempt to drain the rising water of a flooded cave in northern Thailand where 12 boys and their coach have been missing for five days. 19659002] But the effort seemed fruitless and the situation remained disastrous, with no guarantee that the water will soon retire from the cave with months of the rainy season in Thailand.

Divers were unable to navigate the passages filled with muddy water. are looking for alternative ways to enter the sprawling cave, hoping to find hidden wells in the mountains that could offer a back door into the caves.

Deputy Chief of the National Police Wirachai Songmetta said that he will join more than 600 people to comb the mountain. cracks.

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Some wells found were excluded, but Interior Minister, Anupong Paojinda, said that rescuers are still examining three sites. They will further explore the geological department using equipment such as small cameras, he said.

The missing boys and the coach entered the cave of Tham Luang Nang in Chiang Rai Province after a football game Saturday afternoon. The cave complex stretches for several kilometers with narrow passages and rugged terrain and is known to rage during the rainy season.

Yet the authorities have expressed the hope that there are dry places on the heights of the cave.

Anmar Mirza, National Coordinator of the National Cave Rescue Commission in the United States and Editor-in-Chief of the US Cave Rescue Techniques Manual, stated that in
a situation like this is unlikely to occur. 39 to be only two orders.

Drilling would be extremely difficult for a number of reasons and could take days or weeks, he added, adding that it was important not to take unnecessary risks.

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