Thanksgiving foods that are staple foods in the United States


On November 22, millions of families will gather around a table filled with plump turkeys, pranks, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pies gilded to perfection, but all the Thanksgiving spreads will be not identical.

Depending on where you are in the country, your menu may also include a wild rice dish, a derby pie, a Jell-O salad or a pumpkin pudding platter.

With all the butter, cream and cheese that go into these classic carbohydrate treats, a person's Thanksgiving treat can add up to an average of 3,150 calories per meal and 159 grams of fat, according to the Calorie Control Board. But what goes into this fat feast depends largely on where you eat it.

From corn stuffing in the south to oyster stuffing in the north, to California-style sourdough sourdough filling with kale and turkey sausage in the west, the price of the Turkey day is not the same in two regions.

Here's how Thanksgiving dinners differ across the United States.

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